Chapter 6-1

2006 Words

How to Make your Characters Memorable & Likeable was written across the white board in front of class. Mr. Taylor paced the front of the class. All of us quietly expectant of what today"s lesson would teach us. You could hear a pencil drop on the carpeted floor it was so quiet. “If you"ve built upon a character who is so very real there will come a moment when he, or she will say or do something you hadn"t planned on them saying or doing.” He looked up at us with a smile. “That"s the moment when your character has become a living entity outside of the confines of a sheet of paper, or your computer.” He took the marker and wrote as he spoke, “Plot is nothing without character. No character, no plot, it"s that simple.” He wrote: What makes your characters likable, or hateable? “I"m pret

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