Chapter 4-3

1370 Words

He leaned an arm over the open door. “You done for today?” “I"ve got a night class.” “Hate night classes. I avoid them like the plague. Be careful to park close to the building, if you can. It"ll be dark out when you get out of class.” “Yeah. I know.” I plugged the key into the slot and the chime kept pinging. “See you around.” “Okay, stalker,” I said and he laughed as he turned to go. I shut my door, if only to shut off the stupid annoying chime. I turned the key and heard clicking. “Oh, crap!” This wasn"t good. I turned the key again. Same clicking. I opened my door to get out of the hot and stuffy car. A beater dark blue car rambled up behind mine. Ellwood"s big head and arm hanging out the window. “Car problems?” he asked. “Yeah. Won"t start.” He shoved his into park and left

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