Chapter 3-2

1149 Words

“Sure.” “I"ll try and find time tomorrow, and give it to your sister when I"m finished.” I said, thinking of my own schedule, wondering when would I have time. I drove home, still in a quandary as to whether or not this merited Weeks" involvement, what with the new information about his threats. Probably not yet. He could do nothing about a guy in a clown mask terrorizing girls in a hallway. After all, it was questionable as to whether it was Sinclair who was posting the latest threats on-line. It would take the police to hack in and find out, but if Sinclair had done his own hacking, and used someone else"s account, could they find out who it was? I didn"t think so. The guy would have to be caught red handed. My only hope was that his death threats would not be carried through, if the E

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