
358 Words

AJ Beaumont III served community service for breaking and entering, thanks to his father"s connections, and being able to afford an excellent defense. Bridget Houston and Lisa Comb are each serving twenty-five years for murder, since they were both over the age of 18 when they committed the act. A nice bench was put in the town"s park with Arline"s name on it. My aunt, Weeks, Uncle Ed and I came to the ceremony. Nearly the whole town had shown up. Not a dry eye after the minister was finished. Arline"s parents were still devastated by her death. They held their younger daughter close to them. I"d learned that they were moving to Montana as soon as they sold their house. My aunt and Weeks married on The Miss Twila a few weeks afterwards, on August 15th. I was the bride"s maid. A number o

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