Chapter 15-2

2605 Words

“No, thank you, I"ll stay on here with the ladies and make sure they"re fine,” Uncle Ed said. I had a feeling he simply didn"t want to go home alone. And he did want to finish his drink in the living room. Must be good stuff. “Okay.” Weeks" eyes slid to my aunt and their eyes locked. “I"ve gotta get out there and help with traffic, put up roadblocks and help out.” I took the cue and left the kitchen so they could say their goodbyes in private. Uncle Ed, who was on my heals said, “Could you go check on my boat and make sure it didn"t sink, Sheriff?” “Sure thing,” Weeks said and I heard some back-patting from the two of them. Even a momentary truce between them was an improvement. A few moments later, the back door opened and he was gone. My uncle made his way through the hallway, and bu

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