Chapter 10-3

1150 Words

His two men roughly pushed Corbin out of the room. The excitement was over and my knees shook. I slumped from adrenaline dump, not sure if I"d land on the skewed mattress or not. Strong arms grabbed me and held me up. A heavy chest against my face, and pleasant aftershave in my nose, while Weeks" calming voice above my head said, “I gotcha Lainey-bug. You"re safe. You"ll be alright, now.” After pulling myself together and letting out my held breath, I said, “Thank you.” He released me and I stood on my own to look up at him, swiping a few tears away. “You okay now?” He bent to look at my face, one hand still on my shoulder. Eyes squinted, fanning out the crow"s feet around them. I nodded and wiped a tear or two. “Here.” He came up with a tissue or two—I hadn"t seen these in the room—an

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