Chapter 5-2

2001 Words

“Are you feeling well enough for this?” she asked me. “I guess so,” I said. I mean, it wasn"t like I was the murder suspect, after all. What did I have to worry about? The sheriff"s department was in an older, one story red brick affair with no frills, few windows—and those were narrow without any way of opening them—and a glass doorway with Montclair County Sheriff"s Police stenciled in black around some sort of logo. Since the town was small, it didn"t have a town police department. Instead the town contracted with the sheriff"s office for protection, thus they handled anything in or out of town. Parked around the building were a lot of official-looking cars, like black and white sheriff"s cars, and a stable of unmarked, variety-colored, Crown Vics, Toyota Priuses, and Chevy Impalas. I

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