Chapter 4

1045 Words
DEJA-VU hit me like a truck. Except this time, I made it to water before anyone could interfere. I tap myself on the shoulder, feeling so proud of this achievement. To be able to escape the notice of Rhys’ own warriors was a skill that no one could have. Because I had already run the scenarios over my head, again and again, it was like walking through an empty battlefield. When I reached the shore, I gulped and looked around. There, just beside the beach right under a tall cliff, a perfectly good boat stranded alone, probably owned by one of the members in the pack. I thanked the Moon Goddess silently as I made my way there hastily. But then, in that split second of gratefulness, a roar so loud penetrated through the night air. I knew that voice, having been the end receiver of the sound. I felt my back tense, my pulse skyrocketed to the sky. I looked up, glaring at the moon as if it was responsible for the event. I knew I didn’t have much time. The boat would take time to sail, and I was only alone. But, that thought didn’t waver me. I didn’t give up. I needed to put this life behind me. Swallowing down my dry throat, I contemplated another way. There was no other way. We were on a freaking island. Rhys built his empire on an island, with its own huge forest and big mountain. He was the king here, the leader of the biggest and most ruthless pack in the world. The one I was currently running away from. Out of panic, I tripped. I landed on my face, groaning from the impact. I saw little crabs scattering away, terror moved them to hide under the white sand. Animals knew when danger was coming. And the biggest predator on the island was coming here. I pushed myself to my feet, not wasting any time thinking. In the shadows, I could barely see the boat, but as I got closer, it was perfect. The boat was still working and when I touched it, I almost sang in glee. I pushed with all my might. Being alone and pregnant made the progress slower than I would have liked. The Moon Goddess watched from up there, probably laughing at my antics and useless attempts at moving this rather small boat. But alas, it finally moved. I gasped in joy and watched with satisfaction as my determination won the battle and I easily pushed it even more until it floated above water. My mind still could not comprehend that. I blinked my eyes, a bit disoriented. I sorted through my mind quickly and then cast a quick prayer to the moon. My feet took me to the boat. When I was still halfway inside, I heard the growl from a man that I recognized too well. “Marigold!” Damn it. He was here. Without thinking, I dived right in, falling face-first inside the boat. I hurried my butt off and instantly took a better position. I grabbed the paddle and started heaving. “Marigold!” He roared. Birds flew up to the sky, escaping in panic. So did I. I didn’t look at him. No. I was scared that when I did, I would hesitate. My head would not falter even though my heart squeezed tight every second. “Marigold, don’t you dare leave me!” I dared. I was leaving. I was going to leave him. The boat moved deeper into the sea, further and further away. The wind helped me sail, taking me away from that godforsaken island. “Marigold!” I made a mistake. I looked back when I heard the splashing of water. Rhys was running after me, his feet moved with such grace and agility no man should be able to do underwater. My breath was cut off from my lungs. I heaved stronger, willing the boat to move faster. “Marigold, come back here! Or I swear to the Moon Goddess when I get my hands on you, you wouldn’t be able to walk for months!” Do not falter, my head. Do not waver. Do not give up. My teeth chatter in the middle of the cold sea wind. I was getting away, getting further from him. Even though he was big, strong, and fast, he wasn’t able to battle the waves and the cold of the water. Unlike me sitting perfectly on a boat. I could see several of his warriors joining him, diving into the sea. But, I still did not cower. I had to get out. Right now. This was my only way. “Marigold!” At the crack of his voice, I looked again, and I could have sworn I saw his eyes hinting at panic. Pure unadulterated fright and terror. Of what? Of losing me? Or because he was scared he would grow weak over the time he was separated from me? Yeah, the only problem with that? I knew Rhys wasn’t capable of any emotions. I would believe the latter, over the fact that he was afraid of losing me. So, I heaved. I heaved. And I heaved. Until I heard growling, snarling, and roaring from the best Alpha in the world. I saw his warriors holding him back, saving him from going deeper. The heat from our bodies would not be able to save us from the freezing water. They couldn’t let their Alpha fall into danger. And with that, I sat on my knees facing him being dragged by over ten warriors to the shore. I looked at him under the night sky as he watched me leave, and then my hands slid lower to my stomach protectively. Pain crossed his eyes. Absolute chaos ensued. The ten warriors couldn’t even hold him back anymore. They all struggled to hold one beast. One person. More and more of his men came. They all took turns in taking the blow from the most ruthless Alpha in the world. Rhys knew. He knew I was carrying his child. And with the wind carrying my boat to the sea, I could hear Rhys howling to the empty night sky, wailing about my escape.
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