Chapter 12: The Pond

1665 Words

"Janice, Janice we have to go." Again I was shaken until I awoke, it seemed to be becoming a trend, except for this time I opened my eyes to see the face of Carter. My eyelids were still only half open when Carter yanked me to my feet and across the room. In my sleepy daze I turned to say goodbye to Anne and Ella, my brows furrowing as I stared at the empty room. I opened my mouth to ask but the air was taken from my lungs as Carter pulled on my arm. I was running to keep up with him, his grip still tight on my wrist. My feet were tripping on non-existent objects as we sprinted through the halls. Carter turned the corner and for the second time jumped back into me. I wheezed in protest, my hand clutching onto his shoulder, "Would you slow down?" "Hurry," he contradicted my suggestion wi

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