
1522 Words
frank. The word seemed to be full of magic, giving Tan Fu a strong sense of expectation in his originally anxious heart. She wants to tell everyone that I am not a genius, I am just a scumbag! So stop looking at me like a genius... But she knew in her heart how much anger she would have to bear once she told this matter. Those who regard her as an opponent and regard her as an idol, how will they look at her? No! She doesn’t want it! The angry and disappointed expression after everyone knew the truth was like countless knives piercing Tan Fu's heart, and she bit her lip unconsciously. How about that? As long as she doesn't tell anyone, no one will know that she is a loser! Tan Fugang wanted to make up her mind. The memory of being pulled into the ring today came like sea water. She was like a drowning person, with water pouring into her brain from all directions, making her already weak belief shaken again. Is this really okay? The original owner was dragged into the ring and died just because of his false reputation. As a traveler from a parallel world, she is not even as good as the original owner. Now she is like a flashy piece of jewelry. The reason why she is able to attract so much attention is because of her beautiful and exquisite appearance. She admitted that this face was beautiful. No different from the original self. But only when you are alive can you pursue such unrealistic things. When encountering disaster, the first thing to be abandoned is this beauty. Pretending to be arrogant is like an attic in the wind, shattering at the touch of a touch. Do we really have to rely on this beauty to survive? Tan Fu asked himself this. If she confesses, she won't have to bear the admiration of others or the expectations of her parents. She is not a genius in the first place. Without the reputation of a genius, no one can drag her into the ring and live in peace. Isn’t this the life she wants? What on earth is she going to do? On one side is the angry and disappointed look of others, on the other side is the relaxed and natural life in the future... The scenes from both sides kept tugging at her in her mind, causing her heart to suffer. June is already a hot day, and the sunshine makes everyone feel high-spirited. The most enviable thing about young people is their courage. Tan Fu's eyes were blank, and her hands clenched unconsciously. In just a moment, she made a decision, and her inner struggle gradually turned into impulse... If you want to live well, you must have the courage to accept your own mediocrity. She didn’t want to be forced to death by that kind of inexplicable pressure like the original owner. Tan Fu took a deep breath and looked at her face. Even though heaven and earth were at war in her heart, there was no expression on her face. "I know you are a genius, so you think very highly of yourself. Even if you don't bother to play against them, you can't be absent from class for no reason. Just think about it, how many classes have you taken in the past few years?" Thinking of all the weird behaviors of this student, the more Teacher Li thought about it, the more headache she felt. Teacher Li admired this student who was as cold as ice at all times and was very angry at the same time. He had heard that this student not only defeated the top student Lin Mei with one move, but also forced the teacher watching to break the rules to save people. When he found out about this, he almost died laughing. Qingtan High School has a total of five key classes, namely classes one to five. Because the city is a fourth-tier small city, university places are limited. Therefore, there is competition between classes. In order to get a spot, each key class is fighting hard to win. Every encounter must be full of excitement. Among these five key classes, the competition between Class One and Class Two is the most intense. As the two classes with the best grades in Qingtan High School, there were many top students in their classes. When the competition between the two was at its hottest, the principal hired a specially hired teacher from nowhere. Teacher Li was overjoyed when he heard the news. Special appointment! That is a position that only high-level superpowers can apply for. As long as he provides guidance, there is no need for the students in their class to be admitted to college. Until later... Good news: The principal hired a special teacher. Bad news: This teacher was specially hired for Class 2. Thinking of that scene, Teacher Li was filled with hatred, but he had to give in to the facts. but now…… The proud man who was carefully cultivated by the school was actually knocked off the stage by one of his students. This is so cool hahaha... If his students weren't still in front of him at this moment, Teacher Li would have laughed at the class teacher of Class 2. "Since the specially hired teacher went to Class 2, the strength of their class has skyrocketed. They have been dominating the rankings for several months. It is no exaggeration to say that the top 50 in the grade have been monopolized by their class. Now you have won the top 50 in their class." People, they may come to trouble you later Tan Fu, who was about to confess that he was a weakling:... I, if I say that I am a weakling now, would anyone believe it? And have I actually done something as big as antitrust? Be good! "System, didn't we just give it a light blow? Why did this directly break the monopoly of Class 2? Now the monopoly can be broken so easily?" Tan Fu's eyes moved slightly, trying to blurt out something He was so scared that he pressed down. The system that her Aite came out of was silent for a while, and then replied, "Hmm... Is there a possibility that that one blow is enough energy for a novice like us for a month?" Tan Fu: "..." I see. You know our food, but you never expected it to be so good! You can only pretend to be cool once a month? Teacher Li looked at her with relief. Seeing her expression was different, he thought she was worried about the revenge of Class 2, so he comforted her, "Don't worry, you did a good job this time! Lin Mei got good grades in their class, every time Ranked in the top five in all tests, it will be a good thing for you to beat me this time Tan Fu, who was even more worried:... She tilted her head, her usually emotionless eyes filled with confusion, and her cold voice was as sweet as jade. "So, what can they do?" She said neither sad nor happy at this moment, her indifferent tone was like a god who could not be touched. The girl's calm eyes stunned Teacher Li for a moment. Yes, what can those people do? Revenge? Revenge requires strength, and what she doesn't lack is strength. Thinking of his worries just now, he actually felt ridiculous. How could he forget that the principal in front of him personally came to invite Qingtan High School... She is the real proud girl of Qingtan High School! Why care about those mediocre people! Teacher Li pushed up his glasses and said, "Tan Fu, your strength is one of the best in our school. The principal asked me to ask you what you mean. Do you want to transfer to Class 2 or stay in Class 1?" Tan Fu did not hesitate, "Class 1 Teacher Li was stunned, "But the resources in Class 2 are obviously more suitable for your development, why don't you think about it?" When Tan Fu heard this, she raised her eyes that had been lowered and her hair fell down. Her dark hair made her skin look like frost and snow. There was an indescribable coldness in her eyes. There was nothing in her eyes, but it made her feel... One feels unspeakably arrogant. Her eyes moved slightly and her red lips parted slightly, "First, you are not worthy!" Teacher Li is not the only one in the office, there are other teachers in the office at this moment. The reason why they are still here is purely because they want to know what this famous genius girl will choose. Hearing her answer at this moment, everyone suddenly took a breath. What she means is that no matter what, she is the number one in Qingtan, so the second class is not worthy? Said openly and honestly that Class 2 was not qualified. How arrogant!
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