Repair fluid

1132 Words
Tan Fu left calmly under the awe-filled eyes of everyone. Everyone looked at him with sighs. Number one in Qingtan High School, he truly deserves his reputation! After leaving the ring, her expressionless expression dropped. He patted his chest with lingering fear, "It's so dangerous! If it's revealed that I'm a loser, I'm afraid I'll be drowned in the saliva of those people. Recalling the mechanical sound that just came to mind, she asked, "System, are you there?" The electronic sound sounded again, "Here, host, what's going on?" Seeing that the system really responded to him, Tan Fu said excitedly, "Wow! I actually have a cheat! That's great. If it weren't for you today, I would have been disabled!" The system said, "Host, please don't be too excited. In order to save you just now, the system energy has been exhausted. For your own safety, please obtain the same amount of objects from the surroundings to replenish energy." "Energy? What do you need to replenish your energy?" "It is now detected that there are objects that meet the system requirements in the school doctor's room. Please move the host to the school doctor's room. After hearing this, Tan Fu quickly walked to the school doctor's office, opened the door and went in. Inside, there was an old doctor in a white coat reading a book. When he saw the person, Tan Fu reacted conditionedly and returned to his inhumane and arrogant posture. The old doctor pushed up his glasses, and the girl's beautiful and indifferent face appeared in front of him. He asked with a smile, "Classmate, do you need any help?" Tan Fu glanced at the clean and tidy school doctor's office, and called the system frantically in his mind, "System, tell me, where is the thing you need?" The system sensed a circle and replied, "The object has been detected. The primary recovery fluid can replenish system energy. Please get it quickly." Under the glass cabinet, rows of potions shine brightly. After receiving the answer, Tan Fu pointed to the medicine placed under the glass cabinet and said coldly and indifferently, "I want it." The old school doctor looked at the thing she pointed at and glanced at her in surprise, "I'm sorry, classmate, this thing is temporarily placed in the school doctor's office by the school. I have no right to give it to you." Tan Fu looked at him expressionlessly. I can't suppress the coldness no matter what. The school doctor was so chilled by her cold eyes that her soles felt cold for some reason, "This is the reward for the top three in the school's mock exam. If you want it, just get the top three in the mock exam." Tan Fu still had no expression on his face. In fact, she wanted to show a pleading look to show off to the school doctor, but her body was used to showing off, and instinctively did not allow her to show any expressions that would undermine her composure. So he showed his usual noble and cool show-off mode. When she heard the school doctor say this, she couldn't help but feel disappointed. Seeing that she was still waiting for the primary medicine, the school doctor comforted her, "Don't worry, student, it will be in the school doctor's office until the end of the exam. When you get to the top three, you can come and get it." Although the school doctor is already old, he is a first-level player in surfing the Internet, especially the Qingtan High School forum, which he surfs almost every day. As Tan Fu is the ‘number one expert’ in Qingtan, the forum is full of people who blow rainbow farts, so the school doctor has naturally heard of her. Hearing this, Tan Fu paused. Get top three in the mock test? Do you want her life? Don't listen to what outsiders say she is so good at. She is actually just a weakling who is no different from ordinary people. If she competed with those supernatural beings for the first place, would she be beaten to death with a punch or slapped to death? Thinking of the consequences of being beaten by Cheng Xiang, Tan Fu decisively asked about the consequences of not replenishing energy. The system responded quickly, "Host, this is your superpower. If my energy cannot be restored, the host will be a scumbag in the eyes of others, and we will both be cannon fodder in the hands of others." Ah, the consequences are really serious. Tan Fu immediately gave up the idea of not replenishing energy. "Where else can I buy primary recovery fluid?" she asked. The old school doctor thought for a while and said, "The repair solution is expensive and cannot be bought in ordinary pharmacies. If you want to buy it, go to the hospital to queue up. But let me remind you, the martial arts exam is in three months. Now There are many parents who buy patching fluids. Even if you wait until the end of the exam, it won’t be your turn. Tan Fu: "..." Just when she was disappointed, the old school doctor said again, "I remember there seems to be an official training camp. As long as your name is on the list, you can get the repair solution in order according to the order on the list. If you are in a hurry now, You can try to hit the rankings Tan Fu nodded. She didn't get the repair fluid this time, but she did get relevant information. It was much more difficult to obtain than she imagined. After leaving the school doctor's office, she sighed, "The system, with our current capabilities, can we succeed in making rankings?" The system answered decisively, "Absolutely impossible!" Tan Fu refused to give up, "If you can't do it by taking the exam, what if you get into the top three in the mock exam? This should be a little less difficult, right?" The official training camp is set up for the people with special abilities in the city. It contains almost all the geniuses in the city, but the mock exam is different. It is just an exam in Qingtan Ordinary High School! The difficulty plummets! The system still shook its head decisively, "In order to save the host, the energy has been exhausted. Now there is no energy to take action. If the energy is not replenished, the host's body will become weaker and weaker!" How could Tan Fu not know this truth? She and the system both prospered and suffered losses, and it was impossible for her to exist alone without each other. So what should we do now? Do you really want to take a mock test?
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