On the chances of getting into college

1278 Words
Tan Fu walked out of the school gate, and the bus stopped at the gate of Qingtan High School. It was exactly six o'clock now, and the students were almost gone, so there were very few people in front of the bus stop. She decisively got on the bus and ran away. Watching the bus getting further and further away from the school, he breathed a sigh of relief, "You are too weak in the system. You can only attack once every time. Even if I pretend to be cool, I think it is too small." The system didn't take the blame, "Host, I am your superpower. The strength of the superpower is closely related to the owner. If you didn't get a batch of food yourself, why don't you just run away after pretending to be awesome!" Tan Fu rolled his eyes, "Didn't I already feed you energy? Why are you still such a bad guy?" The system said with disgust, "The energy of your short tube of primary repair fluid is not enough to fill the gaps between people's teeth. After all, the problem is that there is not enough repair fluid. How much energy can such a small tube of medicine exert? Tan Fu had a headache, "It seems that if you want to successfully enter college, you must need more junior pharmaceuticals." The system takes this seriously. Following the route in his memory, Tan Fu got off the bus at the fourth stop. In the memory of the original owner, she was in a single-parent family and lived with her father. Although she was alone, she received all the love from her father, but this love was poor. Although Tan's father was very kind to her, he worked away from home all year round and it was difficult to see her once a year. In addition to the necessary living expenses every month, there are only a few words of concern, which let the original owner know that she is still loved. But the time was too short, so short that she was ashamed to tell her difficulties, and her temper became more and more lonely. Because the school was close to home, the original host arranged a day study. According to the memory in her mind, she walked into a mid-range community. After returning home, Tan Fu was able to relax after a day of tense nerves. The last day of school was more tiring than her last week of classes! And these days will continue for three more months! "System, what are the chances of me getting into college if I work hard for three months?" Tan Fu slumped on the sofa, looked at the light and asked with dull eyes, what is more difficult than time travel? That means that after traveling through time, you still have to fight hard for your future! If one of them fails in the exam, her already difficult life will be even worse. The system was silenced by her question. It had just crudely calculated the probability of the host getting into college for a while. Good guy, it’s not like I don’t know, but I’m shocked. Its great host’s chances of getting into college are actually a question mark? This answer confused the system, and it calculated it again without giving up, but the question mark remained strong like an invincible Xiaoqiang. Finally, it looked at itself being burned and fell into deep thought. "System, why don't you speak? What did you just do? Why did I hear the sound of sparks flying?" Tan Fu waited and waited, but didn't see the system speaking. He couldn't help but wonder why it fell silent. The system looked at its stupid host and couldn't bear to hurt her self-confidence. It said tactfully, "Actually, there is no way out if you don't go to college. After the college entrance examination, we will directly enter the entertainment industry. According to the host's beauty, we will definitely Those who can shine in other fields! It’s not that we can’t get into college, we just chose other tracks!” Tan Fu: "..." You might as well not say anything! After listening to what the system said, she now felt that the world was full of malice towards her. Why did she have to go through the evil college entrance examination again! After simply eating some noodles, Tan Fu lay down on the bed, unconsciously rolling around in her mind. "No, I can't sleep! I have to work hard, I have to fight, I have to fight, I have to get into college!" The system was shocked. It was Tan Fu's system and was integrated with her. In its cognition, the character of their system is determined by the host. What the host is like, the system is like. And as a one-day-old baby, it was already very clear about its nature at the moment of birth - laziness. And now, the culprit who caused it to be lazy actually shouted such words of diligence and passion, how can this not shock Tongzi! "I didn't expect the host to work so hard! I'm so touched...wuwuwu At this moment, the system seriously doubted whether it had made a mistake and blamed itself deeply in its heart. It was obvious that its master was so diligent, how could there be such a lazy system? However, before its doubts dissipated, a certain industrious host who originally shouted to fight hard retreated into bed, "Ah, I am so tired today! Let's work hard tomorrow!" system:"……" I'm sorry for doubting myself just now. This guy is definitely its host. Tan Fu had been tense all day today. Once she relaxed, her sleepiness surged like waves. Under this strong sleepiness, she fell asleep in a short time. She is really tired today. First it was time travel, then it was in the ring, and finally she was almost bullied at school... The experience in just one day was more exciting than her previous experiences of more than twenty years combined. She is so tired... Just let her sleep for a while, just for a while In a daze, those beautiful eyes closed unconsciously, and even breathing sounded in the bedroom. The system watched, silently cut off the connection, and fell asleep deep in Tan Fu's consciousness. Qingtan High School. Teacher Li fell silent as he looked at the dozen ice sculptures in front of the toilet door. He pointed at the dozen ice sculptures and looked at the monitor of his class, "This...are you sure it's the students in our class who are being bullied? Rather than the students in our class bullying others?" Jiang Lan did not expect this result. He hesitated for a while and said uncertainly, "Maybe?" Both of them fell into silence. Yeah, a dozen people beat up one of them and he was frozen like this. It's embarrassing to tell anyone about it. Finally, Teacher Li raised his head and looked at the sky that had turned black, with a look of surprise on his face, "The special teacher of Class 2 is indeed well-deserved, and his training method is also different from ordinary people... He actually freezes people in ice to hone their willpower. admire!" "Jiang Lan, let's go Teacher Li was just joking at first, but Jiang Lan actually nodded with a look of approval. The two looked at each other, walked around the dozen ice sculptures lightly, and left in a grand manner. Before leaving, they did not forget to express their admiration for the hard work of this group of students. Well, it’s another day of diligent study!
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