Episode 18:Alan's dilema

900 Words

Sunday Morning: Brad enters the geese and sees Alan. Brad:So why you called me so early.It is Sunday . Alan:I know.I needed to talk to you. Brad:About What? Alan:Helena.! Brad:Hey is it like the last time when I gave you a suggestion about putting a photo of her in your wallet. Alan:No and she didn't gave me a diamond ring. Although she did gave me this(pulls out a silver bracelet)It's pure silver .Its like 500 dollars. Brad:Wow So what is it(looks at the bracelet). Alan:Actually she's acting a weird. Brad:Why because she gave you a silver bracelet instead of a diamond. Alan:(laughs)No.But she always used to call me before I came to her house.But she doesn't nowadays. Brad:Well she may be trying something new. Alan:No I am worried about the servants.It May be because her fath

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