Episode 42: Jealousy

1537 Words

Alan and Brad are at the van that Will Coleman provided them. Alan( playing with Kanchi’s hair): You know it’s not that bad sitting behind a van with a big cat. Brad: The panther loves you, but I don’t know why I am doing here. Alan: Well Eva will be there too at the garden. Brad: Wii she? Alan: Ya coleman told me on the phone. You do owe me a one bud. Brad: She will be with Will. What’s the point. You will be with Helena, Amber and the panther too. But me what am I gonna do? Alan: Well it’s called a wonder park bud. There are games and rides. Brad: Ya maybe. Alan: I am not worrying about anything. The panther is with me. Aren’t you Kanchi?(playing with Kanchi’s tail) Brad: Well most of the people will run away seeing the panther. Alan(amazed): Look there’s the park. See the pen

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