Chapter 2

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Chapter 3- 03 ***************************************** It's been four years since that day and I've been on my own ever since. I didn't know anything about my past or my parents, where I came from, nothing, so I didn't have anyone to go back to. Because of that I opted to get as far away from California as possible and away from the memories it held. Though my past still haunts me and I often wondered whether or not the 'humans' I interact with occasionally are really regular humans or wolves. It was really hard to tell so I stayed away from people as much as possible in order to stay under the radar and out of trouble. A few months after my escape I managed to get a job as a waiter at a small diner then eventually got myself an apartment. It was old and run down but I didn't mind at all; it was a space I could call my own. Despite the nightmares from all the horrible things I've seen and experienced over the years, and my paranoia that Evans wasn't really dead and he'd find me one day, i was happy because for the first time in my life i wasn't the human punching bag or the blood bank or the overworked slave. I was just me, Lily the human girl. I was living my life free from monsters and all the crazy stuff that happened in their world, though I did miss Rose and Jermaine. My mind would often wonder to them and sometimes i wondered where they were, i was even tempted at one point to track them down but i decided not to since i swore to leave all things and people supernatural in my past and in doing such for the first time in all my life i was actually glad to be alive. But like the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Once again my life started to go downhill. It all started almost 2 years ago when I worked a late shift. The diner had just closed. I was the only person there besides my boss Brad. He said he wasn't feeling well so he had gone around the back to rest. I was just about done cleaning up when I heard groaning coming from my boss's office. At first I thought he was busy (if you get my drift) so I ignored the noise but then the sounds turned into screams of pain. I immediately knew something was wrong so I ran towards the office only to find my boss sprawled on the ground writhing in pain. Helping him back into the chair i felt his temperature was very high, thinking he had some kind of ailment i was about to call an ambulance when i saw the man i had thought to be human begin to shift into a werewolf then back to his human skin, it was like the change was being forced. I was frozen stiff with shock as I watched the painful looking shift occur. He finally managed to fight the change staying in his human skin only to throw up at my feet. However what he threw up wasn't normal vomit it wasn't until i took a closer look that i realised it was mistletoe. Mistletoe was one of the few things other than silver that could cause damage to a werewolf, I should know since I experimented with it quite a lot. Although regularly it cannot kill them, the amount Brad just threw up could certainly cause death if not removed from his system immediately. I had no apparatus to do what needed to be done and I know now I couldn't bring him to the hospital. Brad, despite what he is, was a really nice person and he always looked out for me since I started working here so I didn't want him to die but I also didn't want to expose my secret. After a small mental debate I decided I'd help him discreetly. So, I went to the kitchen, filled a cup of water and pricked my finger, dropping some of my blood in it. Since he was disoriented I doubt he'd smell the blood so I rushed back to him and made him drink it in one fast gulp. When he drank it all he began to calm down a bit later. Because of the pain he was exhausted so he passed out. Since I knew he was gonna be ok I grabbed my stuff and left the diner for home. Little did I know someone had been watching me. The next day I noticed two customers that came in together acting suspicious. I didn't pay it much attention at first but then when I caught one of them watching my house later that night after I'd gotten off my shift I immediately knew something was up. My suspicions were confirmed when they attempted to kidnap me the next day going to work. I somehow managed to fight them off and ever since then I have been on the run. Every time I'd go to another city or another state it didn't take them more than two to three months to find me, sometimes even sooner. I have no idea who these people are but I knew they were chasing me because of what my blood can do but I refuse to become anyone's slave, not again. During that period of being chased I think I've been to all the states in the US. Eventually I decided to leave the country hoping to escape them. I didn't have anything specific in mind. I just dyed my hair black got some contacts and glasses to complete my makeover, then created a fake ID and passport. Now that I think about it I was actually kind of grateful for the various skills I learnt moving around with Evans. I went to the airport just looking for the first flight to anywhere and ended up on a flight to Italy. When I got there I was stark broke so I started looking for jobs. Anything I could find but no one wanted to hire a girl who's only experience was waiting tables at a diner. So, I decided to use the skills I earned working as Evans doctor and scientist for years, to get a job and since I had no proper credentials I had to forge a few documents, I ended up getting a job as a surgeon at a hospital. Finally settled once again but more cautious this time i carried on with my life though still on the lookout for my pursuers. However no matter how much i like my life now i kept having the feeling that something big was heading in my direction. Chapter 4- 01 Lilian LILLIAN'S POV (A/N) Acacia is Lilly’s fake name "Morning Acacia" Ingrid the ever cheery barista greets me. "Morning Ingrid, how are you?" I ask "I'm good," she says, handing me my coffee. This is the only place I buy coffee and I order the same thing every day so they know what to get me. "See you around, have a good day" I wave as I leave the shop. I opened the door of my 2015 kia Sportage and put my coffee in the cup holder then got in and drove off to The Adam's memorial hospital where i worked. I park in the employees parking lot grabbing my stuff and head inside the building. I walk through the glass doors and into the building greeting the receptionist at the front desk in the waiting room as I head towards the elevator. I press the button for the 3rd floor tapping my feet impatiently as the door closes and the elevator ascends. I quietly sip my coffee and rest my bag at my feet. The elevator stops and the doors open to the surgical ward where I work and I'm greeted with the smile of my best friend Tami who is a nurse here. "Morning Tami" i say stepping out the elevator "Morning Acacia, don't bother leaving the elevator we're going down" she says pushing me back inside "Why?" "You're needed in the ER" "I can't be in the ER i have surgeries scheduled today" "That's what i said too but the orders came from upstairs like way upstairs. There was a massive car crash this morning so there's a ton of patients, four of them came in with severe injuries, three are already in surgery but we're one surgeon short" "What about the on call surgeon for the ER" I ask "They can't reach him" I let out a sigh as I leaned back in the elevator. So much for having an easy day today, no wonder I hate Mondays. "Who are the other surgeons working" i ask "Dr Clarke, Jefferson, Daley and you" she answers "Oh great the dumbass squad" i complain "Don't worry everyone in this building knows you're the best surgeon here" "Thanks Tami," I told her with a genuine smile. The elevator stops at the first floor and Tami and I step out to find the ER in chaos. Nurses and doctors rushing about, the waiting area is filled with patients, just what the heck happened this morning. "Dr Simpson thank God you're here there's something wrong with one of the patients, she's having difficulty breathing" a nurse rushed up to me. "What's wrong with her?" I asked as we hurried into the patient's room. "I have no idea, she was fine the last i checked on her then all of a sudden she just started gasping for air and saying she couldn't breathe" We rush into the room to see a pregnant woman on the bed gasping for breath. I quickly grabbed a pair of gloves and my stethoscope before rushing over to the patient assessing her. I noticed the rate of her heartbeat was higher than normal so I asked her if she was feeling any chest pains. When she barely nodded before throwing up on the floor, I immediately picked up on what was happening. "Please lay back, miss," I told her. "Tami grab me a 16 gauge syringe" "Do you know what's wrong with her doctor?" The panicking nurse asks "Her larynx has shifted and she is suffering from tension pneumothorax" I tell her. "Holy s**t she's not breathing" Tami yells handing me the needle "That's because her lungs has collapsed and her heart is being pushed into her chest cavities" I quickly Uncapped the needle and inserted it into the second intercostal space in the midclavicular line of her chest at a ninety degree angle. I slowly pull up the syringe draining the fluid from the patient's lungs, she immediately gasps for air as she begins breathing again. "Whoa that was incredible" Tami says in awe watching the lady starting to breathe on her own. "It was nothing, any doctor could have done it" i shrugged "She is able to breathe now so she should be fine but keep an eye on her in case anything else arises in fact just to be safe give her a full body examination and run a few tests". The nurse nodded before grabbing the patient's file and heading to the exam room to do what I asked. "Ok, where's my patient?" I ask Tami, pulling off the gloves and disposing of them. She led me further down the hall where the porters were pushing a man into the operating room. Doctor Daley looked up and saw me coming towards them, he stopped as we caught up to him. "Where the hell were you, Simpson? We've been waiting for you to start this man's surgery for half an hour!" he shouts. "Excuse me? I'd advise you to watch your tone doctor Daley" "If memory serves right which it does, I am scheduled for two heart surgeries one at 12 and the other at 4 pm. My shift starts at 10:30 am and I got here at 10:00 am which is when I was made aware of this surgery so don't you dare act like you want to come at me. I may be the youngest surgeon here and you may have worked here longer than I have but in case you forgot you’re not my boss so if you'll excuse me i need to go scrub in for surgery" i say pushing past him with Tami beside me
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