Table of Contents

133 Words
Table of ContentsTable of Contents Prologue 1598, England Chapter One Welcome to Aboit, Maine Chapter Two Dead Girl in a Coffee Shop Chapter Three The Librarian Drinks Blood Chapter Four The Beta’s Prerogative Chapter Five Date with the Enemy Chapter Six The Dog and the Demon Chapter Seven Becoming Star-Crossed Chapter Eight Howling at the Moon Chapter Nine Living with the Dead Chapter Ten Beta at Aboit High Chapter Eleven Hall of Mirrors Chapter Twelve Burnt Pages Chapter Thirteen Blood Heals all Wounds Chapter Fourteen Secret’s Out Chapter Fifteen Beta’s Betrayal Chapter Sixteen Execution Order Chapter Seventeen Trials of Love Chapter Eighteen The Fort Miles Phantom Chapter Nineteen Night-life in the City Chapter Twenty Tragedy Under the Sun Chapter Twenty-One Silver’s Bane Chapter Twenty-Two Dead and Buried Chapter Twenty-Three Blood-Addicts Anonymous Chapter Twenty-Four Battle for Immortal Lives Chapter Twenty-Five R.I.P. Epilogue Eight Months After That
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