2: Accused

1371 Words
YVONNE— Seeing my reaction and the stick, they ran back to the route they came from. I exhaled a breath of relaxation and started running back to the Alpha castle. Safety first! A few minutes later, I arrived at the Alpha's palace, and I noticed there was a gathering between Conan, Adolph, his father, Monica, his mother, and Sophia. However, Sophia was lying on the floor, and I noticed some injuries on her leg; however, the injuries looked fake. They all glared at me with suspicion, including Conan, while Sophia lay on the floor in a critical condition. "Where are you returning from, Yvonne?" Conan asked. I glared at him with disdain and ignored his question, as the incident I witnessed earlier in his room was still fresh in my head. "She doesn't want to answer; can't you see? I told you this girl is more dangerous than you could imagine," Adolph remarked, staring at me with disgust. "Oh, you sneaked out to conspire with the rogue Lycans to attack my daughter-in-law after you had refused to give my son an heir?" He chimed in. "No, Father. I did nothing," I remarked, glaring at them with confusion. "Wha--what is happening here?" I stuttered. "You're asking us a question?" Conan growled at me, causing me to fret because that was the first time he had yelled at me. "It's funny that the Luna of a pack is the one leaking their information to the opposition," Adolph remarked. "No, I don't know anything concerning all of these you all are saying; you're accusing me of betraying my pack!" I cried. "Shut your f*king mouth up. I know your type. Your crocodile tears can't save you from this. Now check these photos," Adolph snarled, handing a phone to me. I took a glance and saw a picture of me discussing with the rogue Lycans, and I became speechless. "Who did this to me?" I said inwardly. At this point, Conan stood up and approached me. "So you're still having an affair with him? To betray your pack for him?" he whispered. "Who? Can someone just explain to me what's happening here?" I asked, staring at their faces. "You don't know who I mean? Are you denying having an affair with the Lycan King of the Red Blood Pack even after he left you years ago for his Luna? Well, that's ok. I won't talk much," he sighed and went back to his position. "Yvonne, if you don't say the truth now, the nemesis will be harsh on you," Adolph said. I trembled at my feet as I heard the threats coming from Conan's father; that man had hated me from day one, and I must say it's a hereditary hatred because he wasn't on good terms with my father till his death, despite being his beta. On his way for an errand Adolph sent him, he was devoured by a group of Lycans, which I believe must be a conspiracy from Adolph. Ever since then, my life has been miserable as a teen growing up with no father to shield me from danger. The worst of it was that my mother died the day she gave birth to me, so I don't even know who my mother was, but my father used to tell me I was her carbon copy. I was just fortunate to be mated to Conan, and that was how I became the Luna of the Moonstone Pack. However, I was certain Adolph wasn't pleased by the development; hence, he pressured Conan into his new decision to make Sophia his Luna. It wasn't even up to a day since I experienced heartbreak from Conan and was nearly endangered in the dark woods, and now I'm being accused of something I know nothing about. "Please, I'm begging you all. I'm telling the truth; believe me." "Father, let's not hurry and jump to conclusions, as there is no clear evidence she had a hand in the attack the rogue Lycans did," Conan said with a pitiful tone. His father smirked upon hearing his words. "It's obvious now that you have not fully recovered from her bewitching," he said. "What other evidence do you need to prove she's the one, huh?" he questioned. "What evidence would make it clearer that she was caught discussing with Lycans, and a few minutes later, a group of rogue Lycans attacked the pack and stole the wolf bane of the pack, even injuring the real Luna of the Alpha?" he asked. Conan exhaled deeply in confusion. From his expression, I could tell he wasn't satisfied with what his father was saying, but he couldn't oppose it as the evidence he mentioned seemed true. "Well, since she has denied knowing anything about the attack and we received information about her being with the rogues in the dark woods a few hours ago, there's no need for this argument," Conan stated. "So what do you suggest as the next step, Conan? Or would you allow the Pack Wolf Bane to miss like that?" Adolph asked. "Not at all," he responded, gritting his teeth in confusion. "So what's the plan?" his mother questioned. "There would be a general meeting among the pack elders. This issue needs to be handled with elders because it's beyond one person now," Conan replied. "Well, as you wished, but don't take this issue lightly," his father responded. "I think your concern now should be how to get Sophia healed," he added. "Exactly what I'm up to do," Conan responded. He helped Sophia from the floor and carried her, her head resting on his chiselled chest like a baby. She side-looked me and sneered at me, signifying she was up to something. "Does this mean Sophia just set me up?" I wondered. They went to an open room, where I and Conan mostly spent our time. "Will you leave my presence, you w***e?" Adolph yelled at me. "Worthless daughter of a beta," he added. I shivered upon hearing those words, he just reminded me of the memory I don't like to recount, the memory of my father. I sluggishly walked out of the scene and headed to the path Conan took Sophia to. While walking, I met Conan on the way. He had dropped Sophia off in the room and was heading back to where his father and mother were. "Is she badly injured?" I stuttered. "That's left for you to answer. She's in there," he replied, and he walked out. I headed to the room to see Sophia; however, as she saw me, her face brightened and a smile crept onto her lips. "You think you're smarter to take over the man I had long wished for?" she questioned. "What do you mean, Sophia? How had I wronged you in any way?" I responded, my voice as cold as ice. "One year ago, I was trying all I could to win Conan over, but you suddenly came from nowhere and took him away from me, so I am now to take him back; he must be mine whether you like it or not," she let out a devilish smile. "Well, I'm the only one to save you as well, but only if you will accept my request," she said. I gulped nervously because I was stunned upon hearing all she said. "I never knew you wanted him, and besides, he was the one who found me; I never courted him or forced him to love me for once," I explained, thinking she would change her thoughts about me and vindicate me from the accusation; however, she never felt an atom of remorse. "Well, I don't think crying will solve the situation; you only need to make a video of yourself accepting that you did it and beg me for forgiveness right now, and I'll help you out of the accusation," she demanded. "Never!" I yelled. "Why would I even do that when I'm... Immediately, the door banged open, and Conan entered. As Sophia saw him, she started sobbing, curling her hands across her chest like a belittled one. "Honey, why did you allow her here? She almost killed me. Thank God you came," she complained.
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