Letting Go

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Elena POV I finally got to the venue for the party and as expected, I was f*****g late. Not that I cared though. I really didn’t want to be here but Elijah did a really good job convincing me. Laughter echoed through the air and bodies swayed to the rhythm of the music blasting from the large speakers positioned at every corner of the hall. I turned to see Devon gesturing towards the VIP room, calling me to join he and Elijah and I happily oblige. I move hastily through the sea of moving bodies and finally get to the VIP room. The red blinding lights had me rethinking my decision, as well as the naked girls that paraded themselves around Elijah and Devon. That’s when I see it. The reason Elijah couldn’t come to pick me up. Beautiful was the only word I could use to describe her. With her blue eyes and sharp nose, let me not get started on how perfect her blonde hair. She was effortlessly beautiful, I had to admit. Judith Smith. I knew her to be one of Elijah’s friends but not once did I ever think that it was something serious. It wasn’t like Elijah to be with someone if he didn’t have strong feelings for them. I guess he developed a rather profound soft spot for her then. I sit down with a forced smile on my face but deep down, I wanted to cry. “I’m really sorry I couldn’t come get you as scheduled, Elena. Judith made us wait longer than experience but hey, I promise to make it up to you. My treat.” Elijah said with a wink, his eyes holding innocence in them and my lips slowly part in a small smile. From the corner of my eye, I could see that Judith felt little jealous but said nothing. She was doing a pretty good Job at hiding her emotions but I was skilled when it came to reading expressions. I could swear she made him wait deliberately. What a b***h! “You don’t have to do anything, Elijah. I’m not angry with you.” I tell him with all honesty and he stared at me for a few seconds before mouthing a silent ‘ thank you.’ Elijah has always been kindhearted and nice to me but as friend. It hurt so bad, especially when I knew that there was nothing I could do about it. I’ve had a crush on him since we were both teenagers but I guess he never took notice of that. Literally everyone asides him knew that Elena was in love with him but it was either that he couldn’t see it or he pretended not to see it. All he ever cared about was his career. Elijah had it rough growing up and received pressure from all angles to be a better version of his older brother who was careless, reckless and completely unreliable. It was so bad that his father decided that instead of his elder brother, he would take on the role as Alpha when the time was right. His mother on the other hand was always equipping him with everything he needed to make sure that he doesn’t disappoint his father. She was hard on him most of the time but it paid off, seeing as he did excellently in his Alpha assessment and his father gave him the accolade he deserved. I wasn’t interested in becoming a combatant until the day Elijah told me about his plans to attend the Alpha training. We were sixteen at the time and I immediately enrolled and desired to finish in first place so that I could finally take my place beside him as his beta. Maybe then, Elijah and I would finally have something in common since we would both be fighting side by side for the good of the pack. I hoped that would bring us closer and he would eventually see me. If it weren’t for Elijah, I would have trained as a surgeon instead but I wanted him so much that I did everything possible to spend as much time as I could with him. That was well over four years ago. Four years of crushing on someone who didn’t even see me, who didn’t notice me. Four agonizing years of pain and yet he never saw me. Even now that we were out of the Training academy and will soon be appointed to our different duties to serve our Clan, I was still nothing but a friend while another woman just walked into his life and is already resting in his arms. I just wasn’t enough, I guess. The party continued with Judith and Elijah cuddled up together. Devon, the toughest and strongest wolf of our set at the Training Academy and Elijah’s beta, asked me to dance and I obliged but I had eyes and hearts fixed on only Elijah. He had grown Into a handsome young man but his looks and appearance weren’t what drew me to him. He was caring, loving and honest. He was respectful, responsible, very well-cultured and selfless. It was already obvious that the pack will be in great order with him as Alpha. It was also no secret that I had fallen deeply in love with him. Sure, he did not know and would never find out about how I felt. I had imagined that maybe when we start running the pack, he will appreciate me and probably even fall for me deeply but not anymore. I wasn’t dumb. If Elijah couldn’t fall in love with me all these years, there was nothing that could make him fall now unless the goddess of light decides to grant me this wish then I would keep longing for him. But at this instance, I just want to be totally over him and erase every feeling but even that looked impossible. The heart always knows what it wants. Sore from dancing, Devon and I retired back to the VIP room where Judith was trying so hard to get intimate with Elijah. She kept roaming her hands around his body and was placing kisses on his face every now and then but he seemed to have the situation under control. Devon cleared his throat to make known his presence and Judith pulled away. She had a stupid smirk on her face. It was a wonder to me how he couldn’t see how big of a b***h she was. All I could see in his eyes was his lustful desire for her. I was pissed at how easily she could sway him. What was it about strong and courageous women than men dreaded? Now it seems like a girl had to pretend to be weak, helpless and clueless about life before she could find a man for herself. If that were the case, I would never find a man. “So, what do you intend to be doing for the next two years before our positions are assigned to us?” Devon asked Elijah and he raised his head to look at me. It was at times like this I was thankful that I didn’t have pale skin because then they would have noticed my skin flush. I don’t know how I was able to do it but I managed to hide my happiness. “I have no idea, Devon. Elena? Elijah questioned and smiled inwardly, enjoying how he mentioned my name with utmost gentleness. I looked away almost immediately as I shook my head. In all honesty, I had not thought of what I’ll be doing with my two years before I resume my office. I glanced at Devon to return his question to him and he now had a beautiful smile worn on his face. “Adventures. I need to go on a lot of them because once we start, there’ll be no time for any form of adventure or fun. It’ll be work, assignments and everything but fun.” It sounded like an amazing idea and I wondered if I could go with him. “That is extremely brilliant, Devon,” I said with a smile. “Do you mind if I tag along?” I inquired and Devon examined Elijah’s face as if he needed validation from him before he could give me an answer. “If you go along with him, who will be my best buddy and keep me company here? “Elijah asked and I already answered the question in my head. Judith, of course. The one who you chose over me remember? I didn’t dare say it aloud because then everyone would know that I was a sad and jealous girl who was in love with the Alpha’s son and didn’t mind throwing their friendship away because of her stupid feelings. I open my mouth to say while keeping my gaze on Judith,” I’m sure you have other people to keep you company.” I spat bitterly even though I had an innocent look on my face. “ An even better and more interesting company than I can be,” I continued and she grinned, understanding what I was saying. “She’s correct, Elijah. You won’t need any other company but mine” She said with a sickening voice, scooting closer to Elijah. She yeaned so much to be a Luna. The majority of the girls who admired and adored Elijah were so desperate to be Luna. Not me though. Even if Elijah didn’t end up becoming the next Alpha, I would still feel the same way about him. Knowing that I needed some time away from Elijah, I pleaded with Devon. “I want to come with you. It’s time to stop falling deeper in love with Elijah. I’ll never be seen by him and he’ll never love me. I’m accepting this fate right here right now and I’m moving on for good. This trip with Devon might just be a getaway ticket for me to find myself and find my place. I was lost in my head about how I was finally going to move on focus and re-strategize my life when the next thing I heard shot me back to reality. Elijah smiled at me and said,” Maybe I’ll come.” I was dejected because that would defeat the whole idea of going on this adventure. Spending time with him would not change how he perceived me or cause him to feel anything for me. I’ve already tried that. I simply became his closest friend and now I think I’m absolutely good with that. ” You’ll take me with you?” I nearly rolled my eyes when Judith asked. The last thing I wanted was to travel with her while she constantly stuck her tongue in Elijah’s ear like a reptile. I’m going to get sick from this lizard. I was most definitely sure of it. If he agrees, I’ll just come up with a reason to cancel the trip if he says yes. “I’ll think about it”. Elijah responded. ” Tomorrow morning, let’s go hunting.” Elijah proposed and I waited to hear what Judith had to say before deciding. “I would like to join you.” She said and I grinned sarcastically and when Devon saw me, he stifled a laugh.Elijah scowled as I answered,” I guess the three of you will have to go without me.” “Come on, Elena. We work well together” I really wished what he said was true. He thought we were a team, but the truth is that we weren’t. “I’m sure you three will make an even better team, Elijah.” I spoke without pausing to glance at Judith’s expression. At this time, it appeared that Elijah’s choice had a lot to do with her hatred of me. I tried so hard to make a decision as we bade each other goodbye and Elijah leaving me with the word ‘Please think about it.’ Would it be a disaster if I were to go on this haunting with them by morning? I arrived at home and everyone was fast asleep so I quickly snuck up to my room. I was in no mood for any sort of drama whatsoever. Finally it was morning and here I was still contemplating on going to the hunt with Elijah and Devon. I desperately hoped that Judith was going to back out and maybe Elijah wouldn’t even say yes. But how could that be? I was so sure she had slept over at Elijah’s house. I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend a night on the Alphas bed. I made my way down the stairs to grab a bite. I hated hunting in my wolf form when I was starving, it made me go wild and act out of control and I really did not want to look crazy. To my surprise, my parents were waiting for me at the dining room. They both looked really worried and I felt my anxiety begin to rise. My parents are both doctors worked who worked in the medical department of the pack. They weren’t supposed to be home since they resume their shift at this hour. Seeing as they were here right now, something was definitely wrong “Elena, we need to speak with you?” They said and my heartbeat quickened. What did they want to talk to me about? Are they getting a divorce? Was I ready to hear whatever it was they had to say?
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