The Party

1347 Words

I run my hands down the red floral dress that clings to my body. The color contrasts sharply with my pale skin, and the form-fitting design highlights my curves. For the first time in a long while, I actually made an effort to look girly—girly, as Emily would put it. Tonight was meant to be my escape, and I was determined to make the most of it. I grab my phone from the bed and head downstairs. I hear the TV in the living room, along with Tammy’s loud voice. I resist the urge to groan. It’s not that I dislike her, but... maybe I don’t like her that much. She’s always at my house, talking endlessly and being obnoxiously loud whenever she and Silas are... together. She’s one of the main reasons I want to get out of here more often. “Silas,” I call, my voice firm. My stepbrother glances ove

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