7. Out of Bounds

1894 Words
Leo She glanced at me in such a way that made my heart do somersaults in my ribcage. Her naughty smirk teased my emotions. All I could do was stare blankly as she strolled towards me, taunting me with her curves. I gulped. Why was she looking at me like that? I wanted to ignore her but I couldn't take my eyes off her. Perhaps she was just teasing me. But I couldn't prevent myself from drooling over the swaying hips. My mouth watered when my eyes traveled towards her chest. Daaaaamn!!! She stopped right in front of me. Holding eye contact, she traced my cheeks. Her cold fingers trailed down my neck, towards my collar bone. When her fingers brushed against the crook of my neck, I shuddered. I felt the goosebumps rise all over my skin as a cold shiver ran down my spine. She didn't say anything. Instead, she continued to taunt me with her seductive smile. I felt her finger run down over my shirt and she deliberately brushed her little fingers over my nípple. Waves of pleasure that coursed through my body made me suck in a breath. Trying my best to hold my composure, I faced her. Her fingers continued to run over my chest. She traced the buttons of my shirt. Her smirk widened as she unbuttoned one of them. I knew she was teasing me and I had no desire to stop her. I liked what she was doing, but should we be doing this? I ran my tongue over my chapped lips. "Wh… what are you doing?" I managed to croak. She snickered. Without saying anything, she unbuttoned my shirt and before I knew it, I was shirtless. This was wrong. We shouldn't be doing this. My brain screamed, but my heart craved for more. Her eyes twinkled mischievously as she used her thumb to trace my lips. Lícking her lips, "don't you want this? Isn't this what you desire?" she whispered. I gulped. "What?" I uttered. Chuckling, she wrapped her arms around my torso and started to pepper kisses on my collar bone. I was so confused by the desire to do more with her and the common sense telling me to push her away. "As… Astrea...we… we can't do this…." I stuttered. "And why not?" She said in between kisses. Her hot lips moved downwards towards my chest. When she ran her tongue over my nípple, a whole new kind of pleasure coursed through my body. I felt my shaft stiffen in my pants. It was as though she had unlocked a new level of elation. Fúck! It would have been easier to push her away if I didn't like her so much. She stood up, her eyes burning with desire as we made eye contact. "Don't you like me, Leo? I know you do. Don't lie to me," she whispered. "Your body isn't lying to me Leo," she added and I didn't know what to say. She pressed herself against me and started to grind herself against the bulge in my pants. My eyes focused on her soft pink lips. So alluring… so… soft… I slowly lowered my head. She was right. I wanted this for so long. I like her… no… I love her… I wanted to taste her luscious lips. So kissable. So… enchanting... I woke up, startled. My eyes flew wide open. I remained motionless for a little while, trying to register what had happened. My heart was erratic and my breathing was laboured. What was that? I wondered. My eyes scanned my surroundings. I was in my room. My belongings remained scattered on the floor, just as I left them when I went to sleep. I was too tired to clean up when I came to the room, so I thought I would clean the room before going to the training in the morning. So that must be a dream. I sighed. "It was just a dream," I mumbled to myself. Of course, why would Astrea do something like that anyway? My eyes landed on my not-so-little friend. I groaned. It was as rigid as a thick stick. It was the result of my dream. I placed a pillow over it and closed my eyes, hoping that my arousal would die down. But nope. All I could think of was how she touched me, how we almost kissed in my dream and it didn't help me at all. Grumbling, I threw the pillow away and went to the bathroom. I needed to relieve myself. I just hoped that the weird dream would no longer bother me after I did. *** I watched her laugh as she spoke to her new friends. It was a Sunday and Sir Elliot was kind enough to give us a break. He seldom gave us breaks. But after three weeks, the new recruits were finally given a day off, so we decided to hang out. It has been so long since I have had fun that I had almost forgotten how. But chilling with these wolves was cool. I was comfortable with Rafael and Arnold being around Astrea. At least they never got too close to her. Besides, it was well known that Rafael was head over heels in love with Elena, a she-wolf who studied with us in the pack. Arnold and Sarah were new to me. They were cool too. At least Astrea seemed to enjoy their presence. And perhaps, it was a good thing that they were around. Now, I wouldn't be left alone with Astrea when Xander had to leave. I loved spending time with her, but I would rather not be alone with her. I was still having a hard time processing that dream. I couldn't believe that I had jacked off in the bathroom in the middle of the night thinking about her. She has been my playmate since we were in diapers. What would she think of me if she ever found out that I did that? She most probably would never talk to me again. I can't risk that. I can't risk ruining our friendship by losing her forever. I want her to be around and keep in contact with me. I wouldn't mind it even if it was as a friend. "... And then, he ran to the sink and spat the salty water out!" Rafael narrated how he pranked Arnold...again and the girls burst out laughing. Xander chuckled while I smirked at the duo. Arnold rolled his eyes and shook his head. Poor guy. He always becomes the victim of Rafael's pranks. "Ugh. I'll get you. For good!" Arnold grumbled. More laughter followed. "Yeah, we all know what happens when you try that. Just make sure it isn't Sir Elliot next time!" Rafael snorted out in between his peals of laughter. "What happened to dad?" Xander asked, grinning in amusement. When Rafael told us what had happened during the week, I almost choked on my own saliva. Giggling, Astrea patted my back as I coughed and struggled to catch my breath. "What?" I laughed. Astrea and the others nodded their heads in affirmation. "But he is pretty cool. He is a tough coach but he is cool to be around," I told them. "Yeah. I'm glad. I was so scared that day." Arnold glared at Rafael, who was still snickering under his breath. "This asshole keeps pranking me! I surely will get you back one day!" He pointed a finger at his friend as he exclaimed out loud. Rafael burst out laughing. "Maybe he really likes you," Elena commented, beaming at them. "Well, yeah. As a friend," Rafael shrugged his shoulders. A mischievous smile spread on Arnold's face. "Well, do you know that he likes someone already?" Arnold mentioned and Rafael visibly stiffened. I glanced at Elena, who shrugged and smiled as she looked away. Rafael widened his eyes and shook his head a little, telling Arnold not to say a word more. He snickered but then pretended to zip his lips. "You will turn eighteen soon, right?" Elena suddenly asked, looking at Rafael, and I could have sworn that he held his breath. "Yeah? Next month," he replied. Smiling, "I hope you find your mate that day. Whoever it is will be one lucky wolf," she stated and looked at her phone. Rafael kept looking at her intently until Arnold nudged him with his elbow. I smirked. "Well, who wants to see a movie?" Xander asked, changing the topic. "Me, and Sarah too, right?" Astrea said, gesturing at her friend. Sarah nodded. "I'll join," Elena chirped. "We will also join," Arnold mumbled, putting his arm around Rafael's shoulder. Xander gestured to me to join them. Soon we were at the theatre of the Palace. Astrea and I could have entered with no problems, but bringing our friends would have been troublesome if we weren't with Xander. Since we were with him, our friends were allowed inside. We spent the rest of the day snacking and watching The Grudge. There were times that we had to pause the movie because it was a bit too scary. Astrea snuggled close to me and buried her face in my shoulder. Each time she pressed herself against me, my heart raced. My mind wasn't quite on the movie. When the film was over, Elena wanted to leave. So Sarah and the guys accompanied her since she was too scared to go back to their dorm alone. After they left, we had our dinner with the Royals as usual. When the dinner was over, Xander had to go to do some work his parents asked him to. That left me with Astrea. Since Zelda was a bit younger, she didn't hang out with us often. "Can you walk me back to my room?" Astrea asked, her wide brown eyes pleading with me. "Sure," I told her. She grabbed my arm and clung onto it as we walked down the deserted alley of the Palace. I chuckled. "Still thinking about the movie?" I asked. She nodded. "I can't get that croaking sound out of my head," she paused. "Please remind me never to watch a scary movie again," she whispered, making me laugh. As we approached her room, I placed my arm around her shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. "Don't worry. I'm here for you," I said, and looked at her. And by chance she also glanced at me right at that moment. I froze. Our faces were just inches away. My lips parted. Her wonderful scent was everything I could smell. I felt her shoulders go stiff as she stared blankly at me. I quickly let go of her and stepped back. Thank God I wasn't pulled into a trance. Forcing a smile, "I… I should go. We have a full day ahead of us," I mumbled and hastily walked away without waiting for a reply. "s**t!" I hissed to myself as soon as I closed the door to my room. Covering my face, I walked over to my bed and slumped onto the mattress. My heart thumped frantically. I knew what I wanted. I wanted her. But she was so out of bounds to me. Groaning, I lay down on the bed and stared at the white ceiling. I had better control my emotions.
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