Chapter 3

945 Words
"And you're sure you don't mind?" I asked, my voice tinged with embarrassment as I glanced at Kat. Kat scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Of course not. We work the same shifts anyway. I’ll just have to come in thirty minutes early," she said with a shrug. When Kat found out I planned to walk half an hour to and from work, she insisted on giving me a ride every day. I wasn't used to people offering help, so her gesture made me feel a bit guilty. "Let me at least give you gas money every week," I said, fidgeting with the tight uniform we had to wear. It was my first day of work, a Sunday, and while Saturday was spent finishing the project Ethan and Kieran refused to do, today was slow. Fortunately, the people in this town tipped well, and I only managed to spill things on myself rather than on anyone else. Our uniform was a black t-shirt with the restaurant's logo and tight black slacks, which hid most of my clumsy spills. Kat and I stepped back inside the restaurant after our thirty-minute break. As I peeked out from the kitchen doors, I noticed more people coming in. It was around 5p.m., and my shift ended in two hours. I was counting the minutes until I could collapse into bed. My heart sank when Kieran and Ethan walked in with Jessy and another beautiful girl. A sharp pain radiated through me at the sight of them with the two girls, but I shoved it down. Now wasn't the time for my conflicting feelings. They were seated in my section, and I audibly groaned. Kieran and Ethan looked even more attractive outside of school. Kieran wore a black sweater rolled up to his elbows, dark jeans, and black boots. Ethan wore almost the same thing, but with a leather jacket. I caught myself gawking and quickly stopped. The last thing I needed was to fall into their game. "What's wrong?" Kat asked, peeking out the door. "Kieran and Ethan, of course," I sighed. "I don't know what you did to get on their radar, but I feel for you," Kat said, shaking her head with a sad chuckle. "I didn't do anything. I ran into them once by mistake, and they decided to make my life hell," I grimaced. "I'd tell you to go to the principal, but they seem to have everyone wrapped around their fingers," Kat frowned. I sighed, deciding not to complain further. They wanted a reaction, and I refused to give them one. All I needed was to hold out until I turned eighteen next February and could leave this town. "Do you want me to wait on them?" Kat asked. I shook my head. "No, they'll never let me live it down." I took a deep breath and approached their table with a fake smile, focusing on the girls. Jessy sat next to Kieran, while Ethan had a beautiful raven-haired girl by his side. "Hi, I'm Sophia, and I'll be your server today," I said, ignoring Jessy's sneer. "Can I get you anything to drink this evening?" "Sophia. What kind of name is that?" the raven-haired girl snickered, causing Jessy to laugh. I kept my smile in place. "I'll take water," Jessy sighed. "But I'll need something stronger if I have to look at your freaky eyes for too long." Having one brown eye and one blue eye made it difficult to find a color that suited me perfectly, but I couldn't fathom what was so 'freaky' about it. I glanced at Kieran and Ethan, who smirked. They ordered sodas while the girls ordered water. I practically ran from the table to get their drinks. In the kitchen, Kat and Tyler stopped me. "How's it going with the twins?" Kat asked, frowning. "Always pleasant," I replied sarcastically. "Who's always pleasant?" Tyler asked, draping an arm over my shoulder. I stiffened, uncomfortable with his lack of personal space. Kat huffed, "Why do you have to put your grubby hands all over everyone?" Tyler smirked, tightening his arm around me. "Jealousy doesn't suit you, Kat." "Vermin," Kat muttered, shaking her head. Jessy really had it out for me, and I grabbed their drinks, trying to steady my breath as I approached their table. I nearly cheered when I made it without spilling anything. As I set Kieran's drink down, his hand flicked forward, spilling it. His smirk made my blood boil. "I apologize for that. I'll clean it right up and get you another," I said politely, mopping up the soda. "Don't be shy, sweetheart. You made the mess," Kieran smirked. I leaned across the table, my heart pounding, as I cleaned up. Kieran's cologne was intoxicating, earthy with a hint of sweetness. "Why do you smell like cologne?" Kieran demanded, his eyes flicking to Ethan. "I don't see why that matters," I murmured, rushing back to the kitchen for a replacement drink. "You alright, Sophia?" Tyler asked. "Yeah, Tyler. I'm fine," I huffed, grabbing another drink. Placing the new drink in front of Kieran, I forced a smile. "Is everyone ready to order?" Kieran and Ethan looked p*ss*d, and Jessy's nasal laugh echoed from across the dining room. They directed insults my way, but I grinned through it all. Finally, they got up to leave, and I grabbed the check, retreating to clock out for the day. My eyes widened as I looked at the check. Their bill was almost $70, and they left me a $60 tip. The note at the bottom of the receipt sent butterflies and nausea rushing through me: "See you soon, doll. E&K"
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