Chapter 8

1390 Words
After my pointless conversation with Lauren, I hopped in the shower. My body refused to put me out of my misery and allow me some restful sleep. Instead, I lay awake, staring at the chipped ceiling, mulling over what Ethan and Kieran had said to me. How could they possibly think I belonged to them? I had just started school here and hardly even knew them, yet they claimed I belonged to them as if they had known me forever. It would've been easier to ignore the twins if I wasn't feeling this annoyingly strange connection to the two of them. Sure, they were drop-dead gorgeous, but some innate part of me wanted to be around them. It was as if my instincts were pushing me closer to them while the logical side of me pulled away. Nonetheless, my body seemed to react on its own under the twins' touches as if it wanted to be claimed by them. I had no choice but to go to school the next day. Lauren had a day off, and the last thing I wanted was to be stuck inside with her and Darren. Their arguing would torment me enough. I pulled myself from the bed with a tired groan. I had slept a total of four hours last night. I groaned as I looked down at the dirty pile of clothes in my room. I had completely forgotten to do my laundry yesterday, leaving me with minimal options on what to wear. I had a floral thigh-high dress, a pair of extremely short shorts, and one pair of fuzzy pajama pants. Choosing the option that would grant me the least amount of attention, I slipped on the floral dress. I paired it with an old jean jacket I had available and a pair of ratty old sneakers. My eyes were bright and somewhat bloodshot as I stared into the mirror. I glared at the bags forming under my eyes and silently cursed the twins. I came downstairs at the last minute, ignoring the death glares Lauren shot my way. "Sophia, come here for a minute," Lauren called out, and I ground my teeth together. My body instinctively clenched as I approached the woman who had carried me in her womb for nine months. "Yes?" I pursed my lips and stared into her pale eyes. When I had first moved in with Lauren, it hurt to look at her. Every time I looked into her pale eyes, I saw what she could've been. She could've been the mom to teach me about boys, to take me out to the mall and spend afternoons laughing and watching movies. She could've been so much more if she had only tried, if she had only cared in the slightest. Over time I stopped seeing what she could've been. Now, I only saw her for what she was. Something lurked in her pale eyes, and I knew any kindness she portrayed would be false. "Why don't you call the social worker and tell her you were just being dramatic," Lauren said nonchalantly, dismissing it with a wave of her hand. "Why would I do that?" I frowned, crossing my arms as I looked into her blue eyes. Darren sat off to the side in his recliner, watching something on the TV. I purposefully kept my eyes away from him. "I'll tell you what, if you do, I'll split the checks with you." Lauren’s voice was unusually soft, and I wondered how much effort she put into her words. On extremely rare occasions, Lauren would say or do something that made my insides hurt with longing. The softness in her voice caused a sharp pain to radiate through my chest, wishing she wasn't putting on a cheap facade. "Think of how much that could help for college," Lauren pointed out, and my chest continued aching. I had no idea she even knew of my plans for college. I certainly had never told her, and she never asked. I clenched my teeth and fought against the pain. "Let me think about it." "Of course," Lauren nodded, turning back to her task in the kitchen. I turned my back and headed for the front door. "Have a good day at school." Her words sliced through me like a knife, and I was sure she knew the impact they had on me. My heart ached the entire way to Kat’s car, and for once, I desperately wanted to walk to school. Tears formed in the back of my eyes, making my head and throat ache. Just when I thought I had hardened myself against any pain Lauren could cause, she did something that hurt me. Whenever Lauren wanted something, she used everything she could at her disposal. She knew deep down I wanted a mom, that I wanted to be loved and accepted. She'd pretend to care for as long as it took to get her way, reverting back to her usual self once she succeeded. "You feeling alright?" Kat raised her eyebrow at me, pulling out of the driveway and down the road. I took a few seconds to compose myself and chase away the tears that threatened to form. "Yup," I forced the word from my lips. "Didn't sleep very well." That was one thing I was beginning to truly appreciate about Kat. When you wanted to drop the subject, she didn't fight it. She simply went with the flow. "Loving the dress, by the way," Kat smiled, nodding to the floral dress I had on. I shrugged. "I've had it for a few years. I forgot to do laundry yesterday." "You need to let me take you shopping sometime." Kat sighed and shook her head, making her fire-kissed curls bounce. "I told you, I don't have the money for clothes right now." I raised my eyebrow at her, knowing she could be quite stubborn at times. "I already told you—" She started, but I cut her off. "Nuh-uh, nope. You're not buying me clothes." I shook my head. "I could never pay you back for that." "Once again, I already told you I wouldn't need you to pay me back." Kat rolled her eyes at me. "My family can definitely afford it." "If I say maybe, will you be satisfied?" I lifted my eyebrow at her, grimacing when a smirk came over her face. "Yes, yes I will." Kat smirked. "Fine." I rolled my eyes, but a smile played on my lips. "Maybe." "Good, maybe is two steps away from a yes." Kat grinned. "And one step away from a no." I snickered at her. The first two classes went perfectly. I somehow managed to maintain an A average and turned my homework in on time. School never came hard for me; it was everything else that gave me a hard time. My third class was just another speed bump in my normal day. Kieran and Ethan once again sat on opposite sides of the table, leaving me to choose between who I was sitting next to. The two of them looked cocky and gorgeous as they stared me down. I could feel my face heat uncomfortably as their dark eyes trailed my exposed legs. I should've just worn the fuzzy pajama pants to school. Kieran leaned against his chair, his short hair tousled to perfection while the T-shirt he wore showed off his defined arms. Ethan’s hair was intoxicatingly messy, and the leather jacket he wore made him look like some kind of bad-boy biker. If I was being honest, I didn't really have to choose who to sit next to. Kieran was more stoic and serious than his brother, while Ethan seemed to be more playful at times. Instead of choosing, I just picked randomly. Either way, I would be tormented. I plopped down next to Kieran and made sure the hem of my dress was tucked under my bottom. "Looks like the little doll chose you this time." Ethan smirked at his brother, his eyes flickering dangerously as he looked me over. Kieran leaned farther back in his chair and draped his arm over the back of my own. There were a few wary glances from some of the other students, but no one said anything. Get the full book on sss

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