Chapter Eighteen

2896 Words

“Do you have any idea what today is?!” I scream at Tyson, sitting on the edge of the couch beside his sleeping body. He jerks awake and sits up, grabbing my shoulders, “What? What’s wrong? Are you okay? How’s the baby?” He asks sleepily. “I’m fine!” I exclaim, laughing, “Norah Bora comes home today!” With a groan, he flops back down on his back, “Really Ellie? You just gave me a heart attack at seventeen for that?” I nod happily and push him over so I can lie down in the covers beside him, “It’s practically world news, you know. And don’t think I forgot about your birthday tomorrow, Mr. ‘Heart attack at seventeen’. You’re nearly eighteen, so it wouldn’t have counted.” He laughs and wraps the covers around me as I huddle close to him. “It’s cool that you’re so excited to see

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