I. Rescue Mission-1

294 Words
I. Rescue Mission * * * * In his office, Captain Brian Mayhew stared at the screen, at the logo of the Republic of United Planets. The urgent message from the Admiralty that had preceded the logo had concluded a minute ago, but Mayhew still could not look away. Brian Mayhew was thirty-three years old, recently promoted to captain of the Republican light cruiser Fearless Explorer. He’d joined the military at eighteen and had faithfully served the Republic for fifteen years. He’d followed every order, never doubted the importance of his missions, never questioned his superiors. Until today. Until this message from the Admiralty. Mayhew switched off the screen and got up. He walked over to the drinks cabinet and poured himself a shot of whiskey, the good stuff, imported from MacLane. He didn’t pour a whole lot, just enough to cover the bottom of the glass about a finger high. Enough to grant him courage and resolve, but not enough to get him drunk. After all, he still had a job to do. For whatever else had happened, he was still an officer of the Republic. He’d still sworn an oath to serve and protect its people. He still had a duty to save lives. He still had a mission, even if it wasn’t quite the mission his superiors had just given him. Mayhew downed the whiskey in a single draft. He already knew what he was going to do, had known ever since he’d received the message. But he couldn’t do it alone. For though he might be in command now, he still wanted — no, needed — the approval of his people. He returned to his desk and pressed the ship-com button. “This is the captain speaking. Set course for Jagellowsk. All senior officers, report to my office at once.”
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