Fifteen - Just a Kiss

2318 Words

Damien’s P.O.V “Just do it, Knightly. Kiss me.” I commanded. What am I doing? I have no fudging idea. Here I am, in the woods…in the dark…with Knightly King, the very thing that I wanted to steer clear of and yet… I asked him to meet me here. I asked him to explain himself. I asked him to kiss me, and part of me wants to say ‘haha, just kidding’ but an even bigger part wants answers. I want to know what I feel and if these feelings I have for Knightly are homosexual then… I’ll kill myself. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. But if it’s curiosity…then. I don’t know. “No.” he mumbled, looking towards the lake. I blinked at him. “What?” “I said, no, Damien. I will not kiss you. “ he repeated firmly. “Why the hell not?!” I yelled angrily. First he’s all ‘Kiss me’ and now he won’t do it wh

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