Twenty-Five - Introducing Sin at it's Best

4793 Words

Damien’s P.O.V I knew I would live to regret ever befriending Corey, I just knew it… and yet, here we are almost 13 years later, still best friends. Why do I do these things to myself? Why? Now we are on our way to a club! A club! We had to drive into the next town over because that’s where this club is. What club is even open in the afternoon? But that’s not the worst part! Oh no, not only is it only 3.30p.m but we are also going with Knightly and his crew…the entire senior football team and the all the seniors in Knightly’s band of friends…and Xenos. Damn him. Speaking of Knightly, he’s been acting odd today. On Saturday, I could swear he was livid about me and Cindy, yet today he’s all buddy-buddy with me…and flirtatious and affectionate with Xenos. I don’t know which one frustrates m

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