Twenty-three - The Start of Love Lost

3198 Words

Damien’s P.O.V “So how was it?” Corey’s excited voice asked over the phone. I grinned to myself, barely able to contain my excitement. My foot twitched exaggeratedly, making it look like it was trying jump up and down while I was sitting. I took in a huge breath, looking at the picture of Cindy and I, that I have on my bedside table. “Amazing!” I chirped. “I-I mean…we didn’t…you know…. Go all the way...” “What do you mean you didn’t go all the way? What the f**k was all the prepping for if you didn’t even go the whole way? So what, you got to second base like a damned 7th grader?” “She…she had something to tell me….and it kind of changed things.” I said slowly, biting my lip. “Okay…What did she say?” “Well…” I trailed off. *********Flashback******** I kissed down, Cindy’s stomach,

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