Chapter 7: A New Friend

2022 Words

Mya’s POV: Julia went flying through the air. Her body slammed into the cobblestone wall. Sophia pounced on her and beat the living crap out of her. Mother Claudia came in, saw the commotion, said not a word, and left. I grinned. The girls in the hall cheered. Even the Omegas joined in. Lilly and Sarah tried to jump Sophia. But they were no match for a Beta's daughter. Sophia's claws came out and swiped her claws across Lilly’s face. Lilly bellowed out from the pain. Pieces of her flesh hung from her face. That will leave a scar. I thought. In the corner of my eye, I saw Domina at the entrance of the hall with Alpha Julian. They nodded in approval and left. This made me ecstatic. “Who the f**k are you?” Julia cried out. “A royal slave b***h. That’s who the f**k I am. Mya isn’t the only

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