Chapter 30: Lessons To Be Learned

2023 Words

Hugo's pov: We both got up at four am. And simultaneously did our bathroom business. Sophia put on her fake royal wraps along with gold bands. I now have a white toga with gold trimmings and gold-laced sandals. We both ambled our way over to the kitchen after we got dressed. Sophia started making coffee on her Keurig. Or at least that's what she calls it. She brought a cup over to the table to where I was sitting. I smelled it. "Smells good." "It's hazelnut. Try it." I took a sip and made a sour face. "Gross, how can you drink that stuff!" "It's a required taste. Would you like some OJ and a cream cheese bagel?" "Yeah, I'll drink what I know." Sophia went to the kitchen, poured out the coffee, and poured me a fresh glass of Orange Juice. She popped the blueberry bagels in a toaster.

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