Chapter 80: My New Home

1253 Words

Mya's pov: It was dank, dark and cold. There was a putrid smell down here. I couldn't even describe it. I looked around the cell. I saw a dirty toilet and a straw makeshift bed on the floor. I began to weep. I tried to get through to Artic and I couldn't get a hold of her. It seemed as if she disappeared into thin air. The only thing that I could remember was that I was scrubbing floors. I began to scratch my skin. I looked at what I was wearing. It looked like a potato sack. And it probably was. A guard came to my cell. He was holding a bail of straw and a thin blanket. He opened my cell door and tossed them in. Then closed the door and left. I got up and grabbed the straw first. I pulled the string to the bail and put the new straw on top of the old straw. Then I grabbed the blanket and

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