
The Alpha and His Possession

LGBT+ Writing Contest
YA Fiction Writing Contest

Killian King; cold, dominant, and possessive over what's his is top dog at school and known as the bad boy, so what happens when Finnick Green, the nerdy shy and socially awkward boy, trips into his life and creates an uproar that leaves his alpha wolf trembling.

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Chapter One
"Shy people notice everything but they do not get noticed." -unknown FINNICK GREEN I shuffled awkwardly where I stood, my hair a mess with my circular lenses nearly slipping off my nose. My bottom lip was practically whining as I bruised them up with how nervously I was chewing on it. My hands shook gently as my eyes scanned my surroundings, sense of nervousness was washing all over me and making it hard to even breathe. I told myself not to do this, I tried so hard to calm myself down. I shook my head quickly trying to attempt a scornful look but I most likely looked like a puppy glaring with puppy dog eyes, not threatening at all. I released a breathe, reaching my hands out to push against the large steel doors that lead inside the school building. My heart thundered inside my chest as I was late thanks to my mom deciding to do yoga first thing in the morning and my dad finding enjoyment in taking his time acting like a grandpa despite his youthful age. I haven't stepped foot in a school in years and I've been homeschooled from my last year in middle school up until now due to my social anxiety. My mom thought I had grown over my anxiety since I made progress and stopped having occasional panic attacks. I tried to convince them otherwise but when my dad caught me waving shyly at the neighbors next door he rushed inside the house yelling to my mom that there, "baby was ready." I scold myself internally for responding to Ms. Shepherd's hospitality but that woman was too kind for me to ignore. What made me even more anxious was the fact that I would be starting school in my junior year and it was already three month into the year which meant everyone knew each other and had their friendship circles formed. I pouted to myself. It wasn't like I would actually to make any friends anyways. I'd just be seen as the weird kid who silently watched what went on but never really said anything and clammed up when you spoke a word to him. My life in a nutshell. I anxiously adjusted my glasses, allowing my eyes to take in my surroundings. I gasped silently as I took in the school, I was struck at how large the interior was compared to the outside of the school that gave the illusion that the inside would mirror the exterior. The halls were vast and appeared endless with the walls holding posters and doors that led to classrooms. I clutched the strap of my bag tightly, swinging it off my shoulders to zip it open and take a look at the items I had inside. Neat and orderly, I was able to pull out my schedule from my red folder and slip it back in my bag. Taking a peek at my schedule, I noticed I had Calculus first period in room 304 and my mood slightly brightened. Math was awesome. I folded the white paper twice before neatly tucking it away in my back pocket for safe keeping as I began walking deeper into the school and past the lobby where the main office was seen to the side. I nervously stuck in my bottom lip as I began to abuse the pink flesh once again. How was I to find my class when this school was this big? Maybe I should've stopped by the main office to get a map. I regrettably slouch my shoulders, my posture going slack as I timidly continue walking down the halls. My eyes widen as I pause in my step and begin to tremble when my ears catch the sound of what sounded like a stampede of elephants. My breathing quickened on its own and my heart raced quickly but I began my breathing exercises to steady myself. Things only seemed to worsen as multiple students came running my way and doors flung open to reveal a wave of students rushing out and running past me and towards a specific destination. I quietly stood there with eyes closed as I willed myself not to panic. I didn't know what the heck was going on but this was definitely not a good sign. I took quick breathes, my eyes shut tightly and my legs slightly shaking. Slowly the running I was hearing stopped and I was able to stop my legs from shaking. My eyes slowly came to open when I heard panting beside me. I looked to my right and saw a boy who was bent down, his hands on his knees as he huffed air out. He looked out of breath from trying to catch up, probably running to wherever everyone else was running to. Even bent downwards, he looked like he was taller than me but that would be no surprise as I was shorter than most, standing at 5'6 and a half. His hair was shaved at the sides with curls sprawled out all over from the center, his hair a dark black but thick. He was thin but his features were sharp and when I squinted a bit I could see he a had nose ring dangling between his nostrils. I scrunched up my nose in dislike, that probably hurt a lot. My staring fest ended when he popped his eyes opened and stood to his full height. Though he was tall, he looked to be maybe 5'9 at best. He looked over at me and I squeaked aloud, a blush on my face as I looked everywhere else but at him. "The hell are you just standing there for?" He said aloud, his voice smooth and my eyes darted to the floor, clutching the straps of my bag awaiting a punch to be delivered to my face. "I—um I..." I didn't finish what I was saying because he interrupted me. "You're missing the fight of the century, dude!" He shrieked out in childish excitement and I looked up hesitantly, his lips quirked up and his eyes lit up and my anxiety calmed down slowly as I looked at him. Before I could utter a word, however, my wrist was clasped and I was being dragged down the other way opposite of where I was going. My eyes were wide and I struggled to keep my bouncing circular lenses on my face. The guy was far too excited and didn't seem to pay much attention to how I was basically dying behind him. My mind registered what he said before and my face scrunched up as it usually did; it's a habit. Why was he so excited to see two people squabble? Was that why those students were all running? For a fight? I felt shocked and clueless. If two people were fighting weren't you suppose to call the police or faculty? I felt oblivious but had no say in the matter as I allowed this boy to drag me to watch, 'the fight of the century.' He slowed down and my eyes caught sight of the wave of students who were here and my tongue got caught in my throat. What then heck! All of these students are missing class just to watch this fight? Where was the human decency?! Without fear or any care, the guy shoved students out of his way as he tried to get to the front to see the fight with one hand, the other hand still held my wrist as if his palm was glued to my wrist. I blushed and ducked my head as students glared at him and I after being pushed aside. I muttered quietly, 'sorry' that I knew they wouldn't hear. We were now in front and I saw what was going on. I blinked, shock registered of my face as I took in what was happening. I flinched inwardly when the first thing I really saw was a large fist slamming into the latter's jaw, sending teeth out of his mouth and blood on the fist. I cringe as I felt sick. Blood made me nauseous and all of this violence made me anxious. The smaller guy tumbled to the ground, grasping his jaw as cries left him and blood slipped past his lips. My eyes turned and I nearly froze as I became nearly transfixed in my spot. The bigger guy, the alpha male of the whole fight fest, stood tall. He was definitely a gapping 6'1 tall, when you look at him the first thing you'd notice would either be his face that was model-like or his arms that were big and bulging with tattoos littered all of his skin. His eyes were dark and his jaw was locked, veins were protruding on his neck as he glares stone cold and emotionless at the guy on the floor. His fist was tightly clenched with the other guys' blood and his thick thighs were spread slightly in his stance and it looked like he was about to kill the other guy with the amount of rage in his eyes. I panicked, not wanting to witness a mauling right before my eyes nor did I want this random stranger to get beaten to death. Apart of me also really really didn't want the cold tattooed guy to get his fist bruised up any further because under all the blood I saw cuts and it tugged at my small heart. "This fight has to stop," I tugged on the guy who dragged me here, trying to alter my voice so I'd be heard. He was smiling, turning to look down at me when he felt his Champion grey shirt being tugged on. He bent down to near my height, cupping his ear. "Say that one more time," he said loudly. "Stop this fight," I raised my voice slightly and he stood to his height looking at me with a frown. "Why?" He asked me. "B-because—where's the human decency in this!" I raised my voice to a higher octave and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You must be new here, I can tell, I've never seen your face before. I'm Kai just so you know," he began talking all while watching as the tattooed guy raised the other guy off the floor by his collar, I chewed on my lip. "And that guy—" he paused and pointed his finger at the big guy with the tattoos,"—is Killian King." Dangerous curiosity bubbled within me. "Killian King?" I squeaked quietly. I'm not sure if he heard me but he nodded as if he did, he looked at me now. "He's not someone you speak to, have conversations with or even look at unless you have a death wish. He's cold, ruthless and violent and definitely not someone to get into a squabble with. I heard he killed a mass of people before," he spoke like he was an expert despite him not seeming to personally know him. I don't know what came over me but I wasn't able to stop myself as I said, "that's not true." His eyebrow raised in surprise and I backtracked quickly, mentally slapping my lips. "I-I mean, y-you don't know him so you d-don't know if he killed a-anyone," I stuttered out and he didn't say anything before he rolled his eyes and laughed, ruffling my hair and causing me to flinch with a blush. "You may be right about that, Bolt—" "My name is Finnick—" I tried interjecting but he ignored me purposely. "But if you come in between the alpha in his territory your bound to get ripped to shreds and you become little Bolt pieces," he advised, squeezing my shoulder before unwrapping his arms around me. I didn't know what he was going on about with the wolf metaphors but my only fear was Killian bruising up his fist and the other guys face even more than it already was. "Kai—"I turned to convince him once more but the guy next to us grasped my shirt in his fist and I squealed very masculine like a cough and met eyes with his glaring ones. "Goddamn just shut up," he spat and threw me on the floor. I yelped as I collided on the harsh floors and slid, the only thing stopping me from sliding any further were feet. My back ached and I brought myself in a fetal position as my defense mechanism. My eyes were closed tightly but I willed myself to peel them open and when I looked up I realized the situation I was in. Here I was on the floor, on my back, and above me, my eyes instantly met Killian King's raging gaze, jaw clenched and eyes a dark and deathly black. He stared at me as I stared back up at him. I was nearly faced to face with a raging bull. I peed my pants. Lowkey envisioned my two personalities and morphed them into Finnick and Kai lol. What an ending tho. Do you like this tho? I'm kinda excited to write this, first BL story but I hope it'll gradually become something I'm proud of and something you'll fall in love with. Xxx, Babybird. ReplyForward

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