Chapter 25

1244 Words

Twenty-Five Officially, the word from the palace was that I was living with the Love’s so that Apollo could focus on his studies. Any news about the engagement would wait until after the Prince’s graduation. I was fine with that. It gave me time. Every morning, I woke, and I was taken to school by guards from The Guillotine. And Gable stuck to me. Not all the time, but close enough that I knew he was there. I dreaded when I would see Apollo again. Everly I had to see, because I was in every class with her. The first day, I hesitated before taking my usual seat next to her. But she smiled at me, waving me over. I couldn’t be angry at her. It wasn’t her fault. Everly didn’t have any part in what her Mother and brother had done. She’d tried to make things better for me, if anything. I

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