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195 Words
Hi Lovelies! I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten about Coleum, but I'm also working on The Endless series at the same time. There are going to be four books in that series, one for each sibling. I started this thinking I could handle writing two books at once as I've usually worked on multiple projects, but its a lot harder when there is a contract involved. So for the time being, I'm going to focus on the second book on The Endless Series. Then I will come back to Coleum. I am trying to get into the habit of writing chapters in advance, so that even if I get writers block or something I am able to still have something for you all to read. So, Coleum will be finished just not yet. The Dragons Heart, book two of The Endless series, is going to be 100 k. Right now, its at 75 k which means I've only got one quarter more to go! I'm so excited to share the rest of Coleum and The Dragons Heart with you, and do hope that you'll stick around for both. Love n' stars, Cambria Covell
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