Chapter 36

1807 Words

Thirty-Six I wasn’t going to have to sleep with him, I was told, although Gable did offer. I declined, because at this point I didn’t have the luxury of giving any bit of myself away. Especially not to a boy named love without any love in his heart except for a bit of land. But the world, or at the very least Coleum, needed to know that I wasn’t carrying Apollo’s heir. By having an awakening, it would prove to people that Apollo hadn’t deflowered me. The revolutionaries went to work on arranging the Awakening. We had to get food in somehow and invite people. Getting them all on the island. Without the rest of Coleum finding out what we were doing before it happened. It wasn’t just them that had to prepare either. Some Awakenings were low key, mine was to be a grand ball. Not like the

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