What Just Happened?

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Chapter 6 Timothy’s POV Blood Claw Pack I cannot believe that her accepting my rejection would have resulted in me lying on the floor, and her being fine. She was standing over me, with not an ounce of pain showing on her face. What in the hell just happened to me? I am hurting pretty bad here, and she literally just ran off a few minutes ago. Why isn’t she hurting from my rejection? This doesn’t even make any sense. I was angry and lashed out at her, and she didn’t feel a thing. Our roles were reversed in this, and I couldn’t figure out why. What the hell is going on here? I had left Fallon behind the stage waiting for me. I wanted to do this part alone. I hadn’t agreed to her wanting to film the rejection, but she insisted. She didn’t trust me around Katrina and for good reason. I wanted her badly. Even looking a mess, in clothes that did not fit her, her long hair in bad need of a cut, she was stunning to me, and I did want her. But my dad would never turn the pack over to me if I accepted this bond. Fallon would try to kill her and would probably succeed, as Katrina has no wolf. That was another reason. She can’t defend herself and is a waste of space. She can do nothing for this pack, but cook and clean. She would be a worthless mate, at least in the eyes of my pack members. That was all dad's fault too. After losing mom, he became a shell of the man he used to be. He was heartless and cruel, and he now agreed with me taking a chosen mate. He knew the pain of losing your true mate, and he didn’t want that for me. Yes, I would be stronger with my true mate, but I might seriously lose it if she were killed. With no wolf and no way to protect herself, she was going to be a sitting duck. “Right, because she really fell apart after the rejection” my wolf Malachi said through our link. “Shut the f**k up Malachi. You know nothing”, I linked him back. “I know that she does indeed have a wolf, as I just sensed her when you were dumb enough to let others tell you what to do and reject our mate”, Malachi growled at me. “What? Katrina doesn’t have a wolf. She has never phased, and she is wolf-less” I linked back, but that helps explain some of the power I felt rolling off of her after the rejection. I was almost as stunned at feeling that pain from her accepting my rejection as I was feeling the power emanating from her right before she took off out the back door. “Today is her birthday. How did you not know that? She is a month younger than you. You used to know her birthday, but you allowed that heartless b***h to schedule all of this to happen to her, on her birthday. Just so she could continue to hurt our mate. You have picked a real winner there, and I swear to you, if you do accept her as our mate, I will make you sorry for it. Now get up you ass, and go get our mate back”, Malachi told me, making me growl in annoyance at him. I felt guilt at not realizing that it was her birthday, and I had forgotten it. I had allowed Fallon to plan this whole thing, and of course, she would do that. One more emotional blow to Katrina, Fallon really was malicious. “I can’t go get her back. She had already accepted the rejection. Plus, I need to take the stage soon. Dad is about to announce me as the Alpha, and that I have chosen my Luna. Fallon is waiting for me, and she will not allow me to back out of this now. She will be my Luna, my father, and Blood Claw will NEVER accept Katrina because she is the reason that my mother is dead” I linked back and slowly managed to sit up. “How long have I been lying here?” I asked Malachi. “Almost 10 minutes. I still hear your dad bullshitting the people out there. He hasn’t had plans to do anything except abuse our mate for the last 7 years since your mom died” Malachi said, and the guilt rips through me again. It wasn’t just dad, she had been declared fair game for anyone, and everyone, who wanted to hurt her too. I know that Fallon has been the main person to follow dad in this, but Katrina literally can’t go anywhere to be safe. Dad did this in his grief, including taking her pack member status from her. Mom would have been disappointed in him. I know this without her having to be here to say it to me. Mom loved her and treated her well from the moment Katrina and her Aunt arrived. Mom said that she and Nina had been friends since meeting each other at a training seminar when they were both 16 years old. Mom had told us that Nina had never married, because she never found her mate, even with all of the traveling she did. She said that Nina was married to her job and that she had a really important job to do, but she gave it up and left to be able to take care of Katrina. Mom wouldn’t give us any more details as she seemed to freeze after she said that like she had told us too much already. Mom just said that Katrina was important to her and that we needed to take care of her and protect her the best we could, in our small pack of 600 wolves. Dad had instantly forgotten that in his pain. He changed that day and has never recovered from it. I did feel a little guilty about what I had done to her. She was a young girl when it happened and not old enough to have her wolf or shift. There was no way that she could have helped them. Dad was right about the fact that mom didn’t do picnics before they came, but she enjoyed getting to spend time with her friend. I had gone with them a couple of times, and mom was always happy to see how well Katrina and I got along. She always hoped that we would be mates too. I just had something else to do that day and hadn’t been able to join them. I have carried that guilt with me for years. I didn’t have my wolf either, but I would have tried to protect my mother when those rogues came. The reality of it was that I would probably have been killed that day too. So, it doesn’t bring me any comfort either. Mom would be disappointed in us both. Katrina had never told me about mom’s last words, or that she told her to hide. I had heard her tell dad that the men there weren’t actually rogues, that they had belonged to a pack. There had been no way to tell as dad had them almost immediately set on fire, and there was no evidence left behind for anyone to have checked. “She was a young teen who needed to be protected and was literally thrown to the wolves. She has been hurt so much. You ignored it, but I saw what she had to endure all this time. Even if you gave her a gift every day for the rest of her life, you wouldn’t be able to overcome all the pain and anguish that she has had to deal with. Don’t forget all that you have put her through. Bringing girls through here, sleeping with them, knowing that you deliberately hurt her. You don’t always have to physically hurt someone to cause them pain. I am disappointed in you, and I wish I could have forced you to do right by her, the minute we knew she was ours”, Malachi told me in a low tone, and he is right. Well, it is done now, and I refuse to continue to feel guilt over rejecting her. “You know that I cannot accept her and become Alpha of this pack. Dad would never allow it. What do you want me to do? Reject my position as Alpha? For her? Have you lost your mind? This was what I was raised to do. I was born to be an Alpha. I am his only child. It is my destiny to take over Blood Claw. You can just shut up now, Malachi. I will never choose her, even if she does now have a wolf, she will never be my Luna. The Goddess made a mistake, she messed up with this match she made. I have no use for her, and I will not accept her as Luna for the Blood Claw pack”. I linked back to him and tried to get up from the floor. The pain of Katrina accepting the rejection was still coursing through me, and I have no idea how she managed to get up and leave me lying here. She ran away from me and into the night just to get away from me. She should want me, way more than I wanted her, but it doesn’t seem like she does. It didn’t matter where she went to hide from me. I will break her when she is found. I know without a doubt in my mind that my father will make her pay for this. He was furious earlier, and would surely beat her to death this time. Maybe I will ask him to beat her but still allow her to live. I will make her life a living hell here. I can have a special cell made up just for her, so I can visit her when I need to. Then I can hurt her myself, or sleep with her. That was one of the many reasons that Fallon was a great choice. She allows me to sleep with other girls if I want to. I will show Katrina that she isn’t stronger than me, no matter what I have to do to achieve it. I groaned out loud again and prayed that someone would come looking for me soon. I am in so much pain right now. How is this even possible? Is she a witch? Did she cast a spell to where I felt like I had received both mine and her pain because I can barely handle it right now. I yell out for help, and less than a minute later, Fallon appears in the kitchen doorway and starts screaming for help as she tries to help get me up off the floor. I heard more people running into the kitchen, and my father helped Fallon, and they managed to get me into a standing position. “Are you hurt? What happened? Are you OK?” My father said to me and looked me over for injuries, but I don’t have any to show, other than the pain in my heart. “I had a run-in with Katrina. I am OK, but she ran out the back door. We need to find her, she needs to be punished, dad. But don’t kill her. I want to finish her off myself”, I told him when I saw his rage at her overtaking him. I will not admit that she was my mate, he would definitely kill her then, to make sure I didn’t go easy on her. I can see dad mindlinking the warriors on patrol and telling them to search the nearby woods for her. He knew she didn’t have any friends, no one to hide her or protect her here at Blood Claw. She won’t be able to hide from us, and it will be a matter of time before I get my hands on her, and that makes me feel a lot better. I suddenly cannot feel her anymore, and either she is dead, or she has left the packlands. My father also grunts in pain and tells us, “We just lost a pack member, Amanda Edmonson, is no longer a member of the Blood Claw pack”. This cannot be a coincidence that we both felt it at almost exactly the same time. Something tells me that Katrina did indeed have at least one friend, who helped her leave the pack. I growl a low growl and decide that my little mate won’t be the only one getting punished here tonight. I will catch Katrina and Amanda, but Amanda will definitely die when I get my hands on her, for helping my mate escape. “EX mate, Timothy” I heard Malachi say from our link. “Shut up Malachi!!” I linked back. I am so sick of him. Yes, I f****d up, but I can take it all back if I need to. “Baby, we need to go back into the meeting hall to get this announcement done, so we can let everyone go back to their room for the night. Let’s go and finish this up. Your dad was about to introduce you as Alpha, as soon as you claim your Luna”, Fallon tells me with a smile on her face. I can’t decide if I want this to happen tonight or not. I am less inclined to do this now. I look at her, she is a stunner. Her long blonde hair is curled, and her makeup is flawless. Her outfit showcases her slim figure, and her shoes match perfectly. Her grey eyes were played up with makeup, but for some reason, her slim figure is no longer enticing to me. She was frowning at me, and I realized I had not agreed with her, or started to head back to the meeting hall. “Fallon, I am not feeling well tonight. We can put this off for a few weeks. I just want to go to my room and rest”, I finally said to the crowd still milling about the kitchen. I saw the rage flash in her eyes, but she still didn’t say anything to me. Her anger is completely on Katrina, and I pray that she doesn’t get found yet, because I can already see that Fallon was making plans against her.
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