Chapter 50 - Donation Program

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Fenril called again Joffiel and Meika to discuss the final plan for the event this coming next week for the orphanage. Joffiel already expects that Fenril will always look for her since he will join the activity. "Sir Fenril, these are our final activities for the program. We have games for kids and give them food at lunch time. Then we want to suggest having a donation booth here inside our company," Joffiel said. "What do you mean by donation booth inside the company?" Fenril asked. "For those who are willing to donate children's books, stuffed toys, any toys, or school materials. We thought that it would make the kids happy. The money that the company will donate will go to their basic daily needs, such as food and water. This was Jessica's suggestion since she is one of the volunteers in that orphanage. Luckily, we were able to choose that orphanage. She knows what is best for it. What do you think, Sir Fenril?" Joffiel explained. Fenril nodded his head. He became silent for a while. Joffiel can't even read or easily understand what is going on in Fenril's mind. She's hoping that he will approve Jessica and her team's ideas for the program next week. If ever Fenril will agree to having a donation booth, they need to do it as early as they can so that the employees of Azazel Company can now donate. "Okay. I think that's a great idea. I will tell Ashe to put a big donation box in the lobby tomorrow and make an announcement today that we'll be having a donation booth for this week and next week before the event," Fenril said. "Wow, really? Thank you, Sir Fenril. Jessica would be happy hearing this. She loves making kids genuinely happy," Joffiel said. "I will definitely donate my sister's toys and clothes," Meika interjected. Joffiel does not have something to donate for. She thinks that baking cookies for kids will be her donation. "I would also love to bake some cookies for them. If it is just you will allow me to do this, Sir Fenril," Joffiel said. "There is no problem about that. I will allow you if the money you're going to use is from our company. I don't want any of you to release money for the company's event or program. Don't worry, I like all the ideas from your team. Let's do all of it," Fenril insisted. He is really kind. What if he is an angel too? He loves to help other people. I think he has already helped many people in the past. Joffiel thought to herself. When the weekend came, Joffiel bought all the items she needed for her gift, as well as her necessities. She felt excited day by day. All the activities she's doing are becoming more interesting. She's now spending her free time doing sample portraits. She made a portrait of Sheena and Marisson. Even herself can't believe that it was a successful artwork. Instead of normal paints, she used oil painting to make it realistic. "Well, I guess this artwork is now good enough to become a gift. Later I will try Sir Fenril's portrait, as well as Sir Jayden. I am too excited!" Joffiel talked to herself. Joffiel decided to make an artwork for Jayden too. She will give it to him on December 31 since they have work until 6pm based on their schedule. Even though she will be having a Christmas vacation at Azazel Company, she needs to work at Denver Coffee Shop. She learned that there are different types of jobs that have their own rule when it comes to Holidays. However, it's okay for Joffiel to work everyday since she's not getting tired. 2 days in progress, Joffiel finished the artworks. She's happy with the outcome of what she did. The Creator really blessed her with different kinds of talents. After a few days, the program for the orphanage has started. They collected lots of donations at Azazel Company. Fenril is with Joffiel and Shane. Jessica will host the program since almost everyone in the orphanage knows her. "Sir Fenril, get ready because Jessica will call you any moment," Joffiel reminded. "Sure. I am waiting. Once I am done, we can start giving them food for lunch. After that, your team can start the activities for the kids," Fenril said. "Noted, Sir Fenril," Joffiel said. Fenril gave a long speech which was suitable for the kids too. He knows how to communicate with different ages. Joffiel can't believe that Fenril is close to kids too. Joffiel can't help herself but to be amazed by Fenril's kindness. She hopes that Fenril can set a standard or inspiration to every person around him by being kind and thoughtful. "Why are you at Fenril like that?" Ashe asked. Joffiel looked at her. She answered, "Why? There's no malice admiring someone's kindness, Ms. Ashe. I am just proud we have a leader like him. Nothing more, nothing less so don't be bothered by my existence. I only admire him as a kind person." "I am just making sure. Fenril is still young so don't you ever try attracting him. I admit you are beautiful and you can attract men easily. I am warning you," Ashe warned. "You can count on me. I'm still young for that and I have no plans being in a relationship," Joffiel said. "That's good then," Ashe said, giving Joffiel a warning look. Joffiel just sighed and distanced herself from Ashe. She knows Ashe is not good to be with. Also, being given a malice look because of Fenril is not good for her. While walking, the bracelet of Joffiel starts to blink a bright light. She looks around and tries to find her fifth task. There are many people around so she's having a hard time finding him/her. "Hey, Ma'am Joffiel! Let's eat. Don't waste your energy walking around. You might get tired standing for too long," Maori said. "It's okay. I'm just looking for someone familiar to me. I'll follow you later. Go and eat your food now," Joffiel assured. Maori can't do anything but follow Joffiel's order. She went to another table to join kids eating their lunch while Joffiel continued searching for her next task. Joffiel found an old man watching kids eating. She confirmed that he's her fifth task. The old man is kind but the looks in his eyes tell that he is sad and has a problem. Joffiel immediately got one lunch box and gave it to the old man. "You should eat your lunch, Sir. Don't watch them. Enjoy this moment too since the program is for all ages here in the orphanage," Joffiel said. "Thank you, Miss. I am not from here. I always visit this place and still hoping to find my long lost daughter. Before I die because of being old, I want to say sorry to her for not being able to save her from kidnappers. I was told that my daughter was seen in this orphanage after 3 years of the incident. Unfortunately, the one who adopted her didn't even come back here so they can't help me find her," the old man said. "I am Joffiel and I want to help you find your daughter. Do you know the names of her adoptive parents?" Joffiel asked. The old man shook his head. He said, "The information is confidential. I only have the picture of my daughter and told that I do not have enough proof that she is my daughter. I can't even do anything for my daughter. My wife left me and my daughter's files were with her. By the way, I am Shiro." This is another difficult task for Joffiel since she needs to get the information of the daughter of Shiro. She also needs to find the wife of the man to get the legal documents of their daughter. "Since I have a workmate who always volunteers to serve here, I will ask her to help us find your daughter. Don't lose hope, I know someday you can be with her. Maybe not now, but sooner," Joffiel said. "Wow! Thank you, Miss Joffiel. The reason why my wife and I broke up was because our daughter got kidnapped while she's talking on her phone. I was not there because I'm working at that time. We fought and I got angry," Shiro said. "Can I have your contact, Sir Shiro? I am serious about helping you. Losing someone you love is one of the hardest situations you'll ever encounter. It's really hard for you since there is still no justice for your young daughter. What we can do is to pray that she's in safe hands," Joffiel said. The old man gave his number to Joffiel. Joffiel did the same thing, they exchanged cards. Joffiel found out that the old man owns a restaurant. "Well, I will see you around? Just call me if you need help, especially looking at your daughter," Joffiel said. "Joffiel, Sir Fenril is looking for you. Go ahead!" Shane interrupted their conversions. "I have to go, Sir. I will keep my promises to you," Joffiel promised before she bid goodbye to the old man. Joffiel forgot to ask the age of his daughter. She only has minimal information. But Joffiel believes she can solve it easily since it is just her fifth task. She feels that the daughter of Shiro is just around. "Job well done to you and your team, Joffiel. Continue being in touch with this orphanage since they will receive a monthly donation from us," Fenril said. "Thank you, Sir. This is noted. Jessica is always there so she can always check the orphanage. There's nothing to worry about," Joffiel said, then tried to look at different spots because Ashe was looking at her. She knows Ashe is watching all her interactions with Fenril. Ashe is a straightforward demon so she needs to avoid getting herself troubled. Joffiel went back to her spot but Shiro was not around any more. However, his number is already saved on Joffiel's contacts on the phone. "Jessica, do you know someone named "Shiro"?" Joffiel asked. "Oh? How did you know him? He's one of the volunteers of this orphanage, just like me," Jessica answered. "I saw him earlier. He said that he's been looking for his daughter for too long. I want to help him but I don't have any information about his daughter," Joffiel said. "I tried helping him but I also did not find his daughter. Maybe if you tried to help, we'll find her out. Let me help you. I know few details about her. Let's discuss it when there's only the two of us," Jessica said. "Thank you, Jessica. Sir Fenril also asked me to always check this orphanage because the company will give a monthly donation. We'll be able to visit Mr. Shiro here," Joffiel said. Joffiel didn't finish the program since she needed to go to the Denver Coffee Shop. Fenril allowed her to go out first. Keidi went there to fetch her so she won't be late. "How's your day? Aren't you tired because of the event?" Keidi asked. "Well, I still have energy to work. I also did my artwork for my gift. It turned out good, I think? Hoping that he will really like it. I also made one for Sir Jayden. I also have one for you but I will give it before the new year," Joffiel said. "Amazing! I can't wait to see it. Thank you for making one for me. This will be the first time someone drew or made my face as reference," Keidi said excitedly. Another day had passed. Joffiel is happy that her fifth task already showed. She noticed that she's finishing her task early. She has four beads with a star. Only six beads needed to accomplish all her tasks and become a real angel.
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