Chapter 24 - 2nd task

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During Joffiel's break time, she and her colleagues went to their company's canteen to eat at the same time. It is also a good timing for her to observe the different kinds of people working inside the company. Joffiel sees the different colors of the people here. She could see their true nature, whether they are good or bad. She wonders why there are more evil people in this area. And it kind of surprised her. One woman, not far from their table, caught Joffiel’s attention. This woman seems to be fighting or bullying people that are around her. Joffiel also saw the woman’s evil color, it is bloody red. She also does not seem to know who the woman was. Jessica noticed that Joffiel was looking and observing what the woman was doing to the people around. Jessica knew that it would be a big problem if Joffiel would try to mingle with that woman. “Ma’am Joffiel. If I were you, as much as possible you must try to stay away from that woman. She has a high position here in the company. That is why she became arrogant and loves to bully other workers here in the company. It would only cause you trouble if you would try to mingle with her!” Jessica warned Joffiel while speaking in a soft voice. Jessica knew that it would also be trouble for her if someone hears that she is talking about the arrogant woman because the arrogant woman has lackeys that might report her. After a keen observation, Joffiel saw that the woman is not just a normal evil person. Joffiel saw that the woman was actually a demon. No wonder why she acts like that. She is a demon. Now I know that she is not just an ordinary evil person but a real demon. I think that she was sent by the enemy to spread hate and evil here, in this company, to infect other people working here. But I wonder why would the enemy try to target a place like this? Joffiel thought to herself. "What is her name?" Joffiel asked Jessica while looking at the demon who is hiding as an arrogant woman. "She's Realyn, Ria for short. That woman’s behavior is really bad. She would always try to do bad things just to try to bring down the morale of good people that are working for her. That is why many quit here because of her. Only those whose behavior is like hers, are the once that lasts in her team. Very few lasts in her team,” Jessica answered while eating. "Jessica is right. A huge number of workers in this company hate that woman, Ria. She is very arrogant and she feels like she is superior to everyone. She even thinks she knows how to manage everything here in the company. She also tends to criticize very small mistakes and everytime that happens she would shame people for making mistakes. Her whole team is very afraid of her because she handles them very tightly. Maybe Ria thinks that her team members would always make mistakes. Some of her teammates are becoming like her little by little too,” Carlo said. From what her teammates told her, Joffiel knew what she needed to do. She needs to avoid becoming what Ria wanted other employees to become, to be hateful of others and to cause havoc amongst everyone’s hearts and minds. Joffiel thought of a way to defeat the demon’s wrong doings. She knew that she had to do something about it. Jessica saw Ria looking at where they were seated, she knew that Ria was somehow sensing that they were talking about her. “Guys! She is looking at us,” Jessica said softly while turning away from where Ria is. “Do not make any sudden movements. Just turn away slowly so she won't notice us.” Joffiel and her friends were nervous when they saw Ria was looking at them. They looked away from Ria because Ria might notice that Joffiel and her friends were talking about her and she might approach them. “Phew! I thought I was going to have a heart attack! I don’t want to cross paths with that woman,” Carlo sighed with a scared laugh. “Well, anyway, You can all count on me that I will not treat my team like that. All I will do is to honestly and synchronously work with my team. I know that doing evil things and spreading hate is against the rules of the Creator. I know that no one from our team will be like Ria and I trust everyone from our team,” Joffiel said. Joffiel knows that her teammates have mixed habits. She still wanted to trust them anyway. They were the only ones she had to help her and she didn't want to be pulled down. “I know you can do it Joffiel! I know you won’t let us down, we will help you too, though, so don’t worry!” Jessica assured Joffiel. After they ate, they went back to their work. They agreed to meet next weekend to find a good school where the program will be held. Joffiel was happy that Fenril welcomed her idea. "Seriously, Ma'am Joffiel, it looks like Sir Fenril has a lot of trust in you. That's a good sign for our team. We will be able to work without being conscious of everything. I hope everything goes well and easy," Jas said. "Ria's eyes and judgement will be more focused on us because of our growth as a team, she will think that her pride is being trampled on. She doesn't want anyone to be superior to her. I can feel that she is planning to do something to us," Jessica added. I see Jessica that she is very angry with Ria. Maybe Ria did something to her or behind her back. One reason why my team is having negative energy is because of bullying. Ria’s negative energy is affecting everyone and even my teammates. That’s what I have to work out for so they can keep the goodness in their hearts. I will not let Ria continue this madness. Joffiel promises in her mind. Even if Ria is not on Joffiel’s assigned tasks, she still needs to keep an eye on Ria's bad intentions. Demons are also part of what she has to fight. Not long after she was in the company she immediately saw a demon. She was disappointed but not very much surprised, she knew that many demons walk among humans. "It will be enviable when she finds out that our new director is the one who thought of our program. She would think differently that Ma'am Joffiel had just started and she contributed something right away. I think she will be very jealous," said Maori. "I think we need to relax first. Let’s keep the negative out and think of positive things first. And also, thank you for trusting me. Maybe it's good that we don't think about her when we do projects so that we can be more productive. Just make what other people see us an inspiration. We must be strong and we must not give up immediately. I know that by helping each other we will make this happen," Joffiel said. "Joffiel is right. Let's just focus on what our job is. Let's work as a team, leave nothing and drag down the others. So we can work on this program wholeheartedly," Shane said. Joffiel suddenly felt happy for Shane because it seemed like her green color was shown differently, a sign that she was kinder than before. She wanted her co-workers to see her as a good influence. After work, Joffiel decided to walk and went straight to her next job. Her uniform is in her locker at the coffee shop so she has nothing to worry about. Most of the things that she needs are there. As she walked by, she noticed the successive brighter blinking of her bracelet. She looked around because she knew her second task was just nearby. I just finished the first task recently, now there is a second right away. I thought it would take a few more days before my next assignment was given. The transition was fast and I did not expect that. Maybe there is a reason for it. Joffiel thought to herself. She still has a few minutes to find the next person to help before going to the coffee shop. While looking for her next task, In the distance she noticed the mysterious man sitting on the side of a tree. She quickly approached the man, thinking maybe her task was near there somewhere. When she approached the man, her bracelet signaled that this man was her new task. She thought that she needed to help this man. Her eyes widened when she noticed that this man was familiar to her. Then she remembered that this is the young man that she had been watching on the monitor in heaven. The young man grew older and he was a thief before. She doesn't know if the man's job is still the same, she is not sure if he is still a thief. She had the idea that the ones shown in her previous training of specific people were her tasks. Joffiel went near the man and she heard that he was sobbing. "Hello! Why are you crying? Is there something I can do to help you, mister?" Joffiel asked, politely. The man looked at her. He replied, "There is just a problem. You don’t have to worry about me. I can handle this. Just go away" Joffiel is determined to help the man immediately. She knew it was no joke to live a life full of crimes. So she still stayed even when the man tried to drive her away. Joffiel touched the innocent man's shoulder and said. "Cheer up. We don’t always do the right things, no one is perfect in this world. But, not because you did wrong things in the past, it does not mean you can not do right things now and in the future." The man burst to tears when she heard what Joffiel told him.
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