Chapter 2 Betrayed

1315 Words
Aerilyn's POV I open the room door wider when both look into my direction and Nicky quickly backs away from Monty, my boyfriend. "Aerilyn," Monty breathes out, his shocked expression only angers me even more. "Air," Nicky mumbles. "HOW COULD YOU?!" I spit as hot tears swell in my eyes. "It's not…" "What it looks like?" I sneer at Monty as I interrupt his silly, useless excuse. "So, you're NOT FU*KING my best friend?" I snap, shaking my head, "No, Ex-best friend," I correct myself, "Why don't you explain anymore? My DEAR, ex-boyfriend!" I asked unflinchingly, glaring at a naked Monty. Nicky looks baffled like it's not a big deal, but to her, it isn't, "Aerilyn," "No, you don't even get to talk to me!" I point at her as I inch closer. My gaze slowly travels to Monty, "Neither of you gets to talk to me," I sneer, my jaw hurting with how much I'm biting down on my teeth. I absentmindedly continue to inch closer, my hands fisted at my side with my nails digging into the soft flesh of my palm. "So, is this the reason we could work out? Because you'd still be getting screwed? Or were you going to leave me after a few weeks?" I yell at Monty, but the truth is, I don't really want to hear anything coming out of his mouth, because I am done. "No, I…we never did anything. This…this was just a misunderstanding, you…you stopped us from making a stupid mistake," he babbles, the fear in his gorgeous blue eyes is real, but what was he afraid off? Because it wasn't the fear of losing me, because if it were, he wouldn't even have thought about this, not for one second. He wouldn't have done this to me if he was afraid of losing me. "How do you expect me to trust you? look at her!" I point at Nicky, who's half naked, her ash blonde hair already messy . "She's not even scared, hell, she's not even shy or ashamed!" I bellow at the top of my lungs. I scoff as I cross my arms, "And you say this never happened before, but what's that on your chest?" My eyes flick down to the deep purple hickey, it's new and that wasn't me. "Are you telling me that I slept walked over here and gave you a hickey?" I yell as the tears flow. "Aerilyn," Monty breathes. "You're pathetic," I scoff, looking over at Nicky, "Both of you," I turn and leave, but the heavy footsteps following me makes me want to run. "Monty! Leave her alone!" It was Nicky's voice. I know for a fact this has been going on for a long time and she is not a real friend, or human being. Running down the stairs does not get me far, because Monty jumps over the railings, landing on the floor with a loud thud and he stops me from taking the last step and running out of the house, "Aerilyn, please…I love you," He has his hands on my biceps, but the joy and butterflies I use to feel he used to touch or look at me has turned into a nauseating feeling that makes bile rise in my throat. "LIE! You don't know what love is, Monty.If you did…" I shrug free from his grasp, pushing him back, "Then you wouldn't have done this!" I snap as I brush past him. As I'm about to cross the threshold of his front door, Blaze appears, making me take a step back before I walk right into his hard chest. His cold gaze meets mine, and for one split second, it softens, those once dark emerald eyes vanish as a softer olive colour takes over. His brows furrow as a surprised look covers his entire face, his full lips part as if he was about to say something about my tear-stained cheeks and glassy eyes, but he doesn't. His one second soft glance turns cold again as he looks up at Monty. "What's going on?" he asks carelessly, continuing to stay in the frame of the door, making it impossible for me to leave. "Ask your friend, or maybe you already knew," I sneer, my anger making me blind with rage and when I raise my arms to push him out of the way. He catches both of my wrists, spinning me around and he pulls my back to his hard chest, my arms crossed in front of me with his arms around me. "Shut up Aerilyn," he seethes in a whisper, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear and it causes shivers to erupt through my body. "I asked what's going on?" I'm forced to look at Monty as he stares at me with guilty eyes, "Nothing, this is between us." Monty mutters. But karma comes around when you lie and as if on cue, Nicky comes trotting down the stairs, halting when she looks at Blaze with rosy cheeks, wearing one of Monty's white t-shirts. All the anger turns into heartache at the sight of them and I turn my head, my cheek pressing against Blaze's chest, my chin resting on my own shoulder as tears stream down my face. I guess it is better that I leave this place, because now there's literally nothing left for me here. As if feeling what I feel, Blaze's strong grip on me loosens and he moves us to the side before he gently unwraps his arms from around me, his large hands running up my arms and stopping when they rest on my shoulders. I could feel his hot breath as he lowers his face to beside mine, "Leave, you're unwanted here it seems," His teasing tone only boils my blood and I shrug his hands off me before I step to the side, turning and I leave. I don't know why I let him hold me, some stupid part of my brain thought that he'd maybe choose my side, that he'd see how wrong his best friend is in this situation. But of course he won't, because he hates me, and I hate him too. *** (Blaze's POV) Seeing Aerilyn with glassy eyes didn't bring me any joy like it usually does. Was it perhaps because I wasn't the one who caused her pain? She's angry, more like furious, and her unhinged emotions are all over the place. I thought taunting her would make me feel better to see her in pain, but it still didn't amuse me when she stormed off. "Why did you let her leave?" Monty yells. My gaze bounces between him and Nicky, "Why would she stay where she's clearly not wanted?" I snort, "You two seemed to have ruined her all on your own," I smirk, but the aching feeling in my chest doesn't light up at the sight of Aerilyn's heartbreak. I should be happy, I love making her upset, so why isn't it making me happy? Why can't I be happy to have my drinking buddy back? And why does it fu*king bother me that she's crying? I shouldn't care about her, I don't care about her, or anyone. "You have to help me man, I need to fix this," Monty's determination to fix his relationship makes my blood boil. Not because he won't be free again, but because of how upset Aerilyn looked. "Sorry man, I just came to ask for a white shirt." I lie. Monty scratches his head, nodding, "Curfew?" He snorts, "Mother's orders." I lie and follow him upstairs. I leave about ten minutes after explaining why I can't help, and telling him I didn't care. I forced myself to go home, to forget her and the look on her face, but as fate would have it, I found myself at the door of her house.
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