Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 C5 What Took You so Long to come Back? Charles woke up the next day. When she felt pain all over her body, her mind went back to normal and her mind became clear again. She hugged the blanket and rolled on the bed. She scolded herself and hit her head hard. But the thing had already happened. She did not drink last night. She was just confused by Louis' beauty and could not control herself anymore. Charles was never a person who would regret it after doing it. Since she did it, she would just treat it as a one-night stand. There were new clothes on the bed and even underwear inside. The corner of her mouth twitched. She dragged her sore waist and legs, took a shower and changed her clothes. After coming out, the huge 2-story apartment was empty without anyone. Charles suppressed the disappointment in her heart and curled the corners of her mouth. She even coldly snorted and directly went out. When she returned to school, everyone in the dormitory was there. However, all of them had a straight face and the atmosphere was somewhat stiff. Seeing Charles return, Bobby immediately pulled her to sit down. There was anxiety on her face and she asked worriedly, “ Charles, why are you just back now? Where did you go last night? You didn't answer even when I called you in the morning. You didn't attend class either. Did something happen? " Charles smiled and shook her head. " I'm fine. After sending you back last night, I went to auntie's house. I didn't think that I ever slept. " " Oh, you scared me to death. I thought something happened to you. " Charles shook his head and looked at the other two. Only Leo was not there. “ Charles, thank you for last night." The other two also knew the danger of last night. Although they also had some vanity and wanted to be like Leo. They also wanted to find a rich boyfriend, but they didn't expect that the men Leo found were all old men. Charles' hand that was holding the pen paused. " Yes ! " " What brand is this? I'm also going to take a look. Is there anything suitable?" As Bobby spoke, she took off her coat and looked at the label on the clothes. " I don't know this brand. It can't be a high-end product, right? " Charles immediately hung up the coat and smiled, "No, the clothes were bought in the store. You definitely don't know it. She bought it from somewhere else. Next time, I'll ask her to help you choose a few more pieces." " Since the clothes were bought from other places, they forget them. " Bobby waved her hand. After rejecting her, Bobby quietly read the novel. Only then did Charles heave a sigh of relief. In her heart, she couldn't help but scold herself again and again. Charles, you are really stupid! Charles and Bobby returned to the dormitory after class but Jina was waiting at the door of the dormitory. Bobby pinched Charles' palm and then smiled. She greeted Jina and walked into the dormitory by herself. "Do you need something?" Charles held the backpack with one hand and looked at Jina. " I can't find you if I have nothing to do? " Jina raised his eyebrows and smiled faintly. "If you have nothing to do, I will go back first." Charles was about to walk past Jina and walk inside, but Jina could only surrender. He grabbed Charles' arm and said helplessly, " Why are you in such a hurry? Can we eat together? " Jina's tone softened and was filled with love. It was as if he had compromised with her and tolerated Charles' willfulness. However, Charles frowned slightly. He was doing the same thing again. He said some ambiguous words and did something that made people misunderstand him. If it was in the past, when Jina treated her with such ambiguous words, she would only deal with it coldly. After all, he did not say anything clearly. If she directly said something about rejecting her, it would inevitably appear that she was thinking too highly of herself. However, after last night, when she thought of Louis, Charles did not want to have any ambiguous relationships with Jina anymore. Her life was too chaotic. For the first time, Charles seriously met Jina's eyes, "Jina. " But before she could finish, Jina suddenly interrupted her, " Charles, I helped you last night. I want to have a meal with you. Do you have to be so serious? " Jina smiled, but deep in his eyes, there was an unnoticeable went over to grab Charles arm, and Luois quickly took the other side of Jina. Bobby frowned and did not understand what Charles meant. Charles did not care and Jina did not refuse the two girls to get close to him. He generously smiled and said, " The one who should say thank you is me. Beauties, whatever you want to eat and play with, just say it. I will definitely let you enjoy yourselves to your heart's content. " A few of them sat in Jina's car and set off together. Because of Bobby's suggestion, Jina chose a high-end restaurant. It seemed that it was not a place for ordinary people's coldness. " What else do you want? Are you unwilling?" " Alright. However, it just so happens that the few people in our dormitory need to thank you for your help. " Let's treat you to dinner tonight. " Jina did not object. He kept smiling as he watched her call her roommates to come down together. Other than Bobby, everyone in the dormitory's eyes lit up when they saw Jina. Charles smiled and said to them, "Senior Mo gave us a chance to express our gratitude. " " Senior Mo, thank you. If it wasn't for you last night, we would really be in danger. " Bobby first. While Louis and Leo's Eyes lit up and were amazed, Jina cast a sidelong glance at Charles, who was walking behind him. Her face was gloomy. Jina smiled and stopped his steps. When Charles walked over, he slightly turned his body and lowered his head to whisper to Charles, "Do you like it here?" "It doesn't matter if l like it or not, as long as they are satisfied." "But I only want to make you happy." Jina's fingers touched Charles' head. He became gentle again. The loving and intimate glance of the two was full of romantic and warm sweetness to outsiders. It also included Louis, who was standing upstairs and looking down at them.
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