Chapter 22

3673 Words

God has permitted trafficking, and f*******n usury God has permitted trafficking, and f*******n usurySura 2, Koran After another night undisturbed by the tom-toms, Jack pushed ahead with Moffat, Donnelly and two mounted infantrymen for an escort. He rode to the crest of a ridge and focussed his field glasses on his new charge. At first sight, El Kutuk was not impressive, being a straggling village at the foot of a ruinous mud-brick fort. “I can’t see a flag flying,” Jack said. “Neither can I, sir,” Moffat agreed. Jack grunted. He remembered Lord Roberts’ fury after his march from Kabul to Kandahar to find no Union flag flying above the garrison. “We’ll have to do something about that, Moffat.” As they rode closer, Jack saw that El Kutuk stood in the centre of a plain, with only a few

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