Chapter 10

3284 Words

No one wept for the dead because everyone expected death itself. No one wept for the dead because everyone expected death itself.Agnolo di Tura When he arrived back at Suakin, Jack spoke to Admiral Hewitt, who commanded the Royal Navy in the Red Sea, then strode to the telegraph office and contacted Hook. February 6th, 1884, at 5.30 PM, “Egyptian force defeated Tokar. Loss 2000. Baker Pasha and remainder of troops return today from Trinkitat. Only black recruits left here. Egyptians utterly unreliable. Admiral Hewitt intends landing men to take charge of town and allay panic.” “We lost over two thousand men,” Baker sounded bewildered. “We outnumbered them, we had better weapons, Krupp artillery and machine guns, and they slaughtered us. What sort of men does the Mahdi possess?” “Men

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