Chapter 6

3097 Words

‘Semper aliquid novi Africam adferre [Africa always brings [us] something new]’, ‘Semper aliquid novi Africam adferre [Africa always brings [us] something new]’,Pliny the Elder As Hook finished speaking, the muezzins across Cairo proclaimed the azan, the call to prayer, and the beautiful sound floated to them, diffused by distance, enhanced by the subject of their conversation. Throughout Cairo, the faithful halted whatever they were doing and hurried to their local mosque. Jack stood and looked over the gardens, where a breeze rustled the palm trees. “Tell me about this Mahdi, General Hook.” “My informants can’t tell me anything definitive,” Hook said as the muezzins continued their ululating call. “He appeared out of nowhere, like a wraith from the desert, at Aba Island, about 150 mi

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