Chapter 2

314 Words
Muhammad Ahmad bin Abd Allah (1844 – 1885) was one of a long list of Islamic religious leaders. Born at Latab Island into a family of boat builders from Dongola, Ahmad claimed to trace his descent from the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Hassan. When the family moved to Karani, near Omdurman, the later Mahdi left the boat-building industry and turned to religion. After extensive religious study, Muhammad Ahmad became known as a devout spiritual leader. In June 1881, Muhammad Ahmad claimed to be the Mahdiyya or Mahdi – the Muslim Messiah. His initial task was to expel the Egyptians – the Turks – from Sudan, then to conquer Egypt and ensure the whole world was Islamic. When the Egyptian authorities responded by offering Muhammad Ahmad a government pension, he replied, "He who does not believe in me will be purified by the sword." Muhammad Ahmad withdrew to Kordofan and began an increasingly successful rebellion. In December 1881, the Ansar destroyed an Egyptian army 1,400 strong in the south. They continued their advance the following year by defeating 4,000 Egyptians in Kordofan, and the revolt spread. In January 1883, the Mahdi captured the town of El Obeid with six thousand modern rifles, plus artillery. The Khedive of Egypt sent a British officer named Colonel William Hicks south with an ill-trained, reluctant Egyptian army. The result was predictable as the Mahdists massacred Hicks and his men. Eventually, the Khedive and the British, now in control of Egypt, sent General Gordon to Khartoum with orders to withdraw the Egyptian garrisons and abandon Sudan. Instead of leaving the city, Gordon strengthened the defences and held off the Mahdists for months. Eventually, as a relief expedition sailed up the Nile, the Mahdists captured Khartoum and killed Gordon. The Mahdi died of typhus six months later, with his descendants retaining their hold on Sudan until 1898, when General Kitchener defeated them.
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