#Chapter 20 A rogue broke in!

1688 Words

The days passed in peace for a while. It was almost shocking to Arthur considering how out of control his life had been. He thought back to his time in the Brown Valley pack, getting worse with every passing day and shunned from even the most basic of the pack’s activities. It seemed like a lifetime ago that he’d been running for his life through the forest. Had it only been a few weeks since he’d met Daphne? His bond with Daphne had done wonders for his control, let alone just meeting her. He would have never imagined that he would be even a stand-in leader of a pack’s patrol before. Lucas seemed calmer in the middle of battle, and even when he started to lose himself in the bloodshed, he could reach out to Daphne with ease and she always answered. Her voice in her mind was magical,

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