#Chapter 17 Stay away from me!

1673 Words

Arthur woke up alone on the ground. The ground was wet as if it had rained or water had been spilled nearby, but his fur was mostly dry. The scent of blood mingled with something spicy and flavorful. Whatever it was, it made him turn over with a little growl of hunger and open his eyes slowly. Something sizzled in a pan and he heard the rustling of clothing. He frowned and looked toward the source of the sound, before rising to his feet and shifting to his human form so he could open the front door. Daphne turned to look at him, looking a little harried as she stood at the stove. He frowned, “Daphne?” She blinked at him, seemingly uncertain before turning back to the stove. She turned again with the skillet and set out breakfast on the table. “How are you feeling?” Arthur rolled his

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