#Chapter 14 who was Owen?

1600 Words

Blade gasped as Daphne’s jaw opened in shock. She couldn’t believe what Rex had said. Didn’t he just say he wasn’t sure about Arthur’s control? “You want him to join the patrol?” Daphne and Arthur looked at each other. Arthur was just as surprised before turning a suspicious glare at Rex. Rex grinned, “We are very short of people recently. Rogue attacks are increasing, and our patrolmen are often injured. The cubs in training are still too untrained to fill the spots. Blade tells me you’re very strong. It’s an obvious decision.” Arthur scoffed, “You just want to use me as a tool.” Daphne had to agree. Though it wasn’t the worst thing Rex could ask for, it wasn’t very polite. Rex shrugged, “Think what you want. The forest is full of rogues and very dangerous. We can shelter Daphne fo

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