Chapter 26: To the City of Criminals

3091 Words

*MAXINE’s POV* Today, Prince Damian and I planned to go to the police station so we are currently on our way to the city, we're riding his chariot since he insisted that I should not bring my carriage anymore. “Prince Damian, are you sure you’re alright now?” I asked him. “How many times have you asked me the same question?” He asked back and messed my hair. “But I just want to make sure that you’re fine,” I said in a hushed tone so that he wouldn't hear me but I guess his sense of hearing is heightened so much. “Don’t worry too much, I’m a pure-blooded vampire, I can heal myself faster than regular vampires, ” he said and smiled at me. I looked at my lap and nodded at him. “I-If you say so, ” I replied and decided to focus my eyes on the sceneries outside the window. We have been t

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