2.0| Wedding

1070 Words

"I promise I'll dig you out of you hole one day!" Gia gritted her teeth and grudgingly accepted this route to follow. It made sense. She had to reopen the case first. Deciding on that, she let herself relax for a few minutes until she realised about the other problems in her life. Dylan wasn't here as well. She had lied in the afternoon to everyone. In fact, Dylan wasn't going to come until the day of the wedding itself. No one seemed to notice it so she didn't clarify either. Gia but her lip and thought for a while. She had to find a way to know more about Marcus' girlfriend. If she didn't know who it is then how will she be able to find her past, present and future. The after effects of an all nighter was on Gia's face the next morning. She put on some extra concealer to hide the

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