0.5| Two faced

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"We had a great time auntie." Gia smiled at Alice as they bid their goodbyes. It was close to midnight and most of the guests had already left. Gia and Dylan stayed later than most because of Alice's insistence. Dylan had taken off his coat and draped it over Gia's shoulder to keep her warm. Alice held Gia's hand, "Where are you staying? And for how long?" Dylan didn't give Gia a chance to speak and answered first, "We are staying at the Ignor hotel, we will go back after the wedding." Alice's face fell a little. Gia saw this and made a face at her brother. "Don't worry auntie, that's Dylan's schedule. I won't be going back for the next two months." Alice's face brighten again. She always liked Gia a lot as a kid. Their familes were friends for a long time before the unfortunate accident left the two kids without parents. Alice wished for them to stay a bit longer. "Really?" Gia giggled, "Yes! I have a client here who wants me to work on a case so until then I'll be staying here." Dylan frowned. Gia never mentioned any case or client to him. Was she sprouting nonsense just to stay here? He held her waist and gave her a warning pinch. Gia gritted her teeth and endured. "That's wonderful!" Alice sighed, "Why don't you come stay with us then? You can't live in a hotel for so many days. It will be more convenient to be with us and we will get to spend more time with you!" "Thanks for your hospitality aunty, but as of now we will stay at the hotel." Dylan refused. Soon, they left the venue and drove back to the hotel in silence. The Ignor hotel was a renowned hotel and Dylan had booked a suite in it. Gia took a headstart and went inside without waiting for Dylan to catch up. Knowing that she was going to avoid his question, Dylan ran to catch up with her. Before Gia dissapeared into the bedroom, he pulled her back and rapped her forehead until she stood straight in front of him. "What client? And what case? Did you just lie?" Dylan asked furiously. Gia refuted guiltily, "No! I do have some work here. It's a case I've been working on ..." "You always tell me about your cases, I know all of them. Which one is this?" Dylan sat on the sofa and asked. He loosen his tie and opened his collar button. Immediately his body relaxed, but his mind was still filled with unease because of his sister's new tactics everyday. He was growing old at a faster speed because of stress. "You don't know about this one, but it's important. When I find a solid lead, I'll let you know." Gia saw the doubt in his eyes and added, "Promise!" Dylan was still sceptical about this case but he didn't probe further. He had taught his sister to come to him when in trouble. She knew to flee better than others. Humming with discontent, he retreated into his own bedroom. Gia let out a long breath once her brother was gone. She couldn't let him know about this case. Heck, she didn't know much about it either. The mysterious email had only stated something ambiguous about her parents death and never responded to her reply. Gia had forgotten most of the things of her early childhood, bit bee parents memories were still fresh in her mind. Her parents' death and how it affected her and Dylan was like a fresh wound till this day. That email worked as a knife that scraped over those wounds. Now Gia bled alone. She would keep it a secret from Dylan until the day she unveiled the truth behind their parents death. Inside her bedroom, Gia sat before the vanity and slowly took off her glamourous make up and sparkling jewellery. Her dress was eye catching and glittering, she took it off without mercy and checked it aside. After a long shower, Gia slid into a long t-shirt and cotton shorts, Gia felt alive. Hair up in a bun, face devoid of glamour, dresses in worn out nightwear, no one could compare this Gia to the one who had attended a party and made hearts stop. She laid on her bed and checked her emails again. There was no response today as well. Gia typed up a message yet again. 'I am going to skip the salutations and get to the point. If you did not want me to probe further into this matter, you shouldn't have send me that email in the first place. It's my profession to investigate and defend, so I am naturally a patient woman, but don't test me. I am this close to reporting you to the police. Either you answer my previous questions through emails (quietly) or be ready to do it in a a local police station.' Gia send the email and waited. She obviously wasn't expecting a reply tonight. She would wait twenty four hours before taking measures. And those measures did not involve the police. All those things in the email were bluff. Gia rarely went to the police if the matter could be solved on her own. She was a lawyer with a legitimate degree, but she rarely did things lawfully. For a lawyer, Gia had awful lot of connections in various places where she shouldn't. Dylan often expressed his concern for it and Gia never listened. If this person didn't reply to her, she would find them from their rat hole they were hiding in and make them sprout out the truth. Gia leaned many things in her profession, one of them was the common practice of two faced behaviour. Gia learnt way too quickly under the influence of opponents. For the masses, she was a pretty lawyer who never once lost a case at such a young age, but those who worked with her knew what she was. They didn't dare to cross her. With a flip of her wrist, she placed her phone aside and switched off the lights. She was tired, a good night's sleep was much needed. Having seen Marcus today, Gia slept with a smile of her face, just like a devil wearing the mask of an angel.
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