1569 Words

Demintri, has not been able to keep calm , he was boiling with fire , his normally cold temperatures was boiling hot , he has to meet the wolf first to know what he would do , his useless minions are practically unable to tame him.. He will do the taming by himself. Every creature in the vile building have tried to exist as silent as possible, all afraid to cross him and fall into the nest of his anger. “You fools” he would say “ you let that cursed despicable wolf leave here on his two feet , I will kill you with my bear hands , you dare disrespect me , you dare disrespect my order” roaring angrily. “You ! “ pointing at the last minion who he had sent to watch The princess Isabella and the wolf , and had nearly come back alive “ Don’t cross my way , go away from me and do not let me s

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